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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-00381

Bubbling mud pots at a thermal area of New Zealand's Reporoa caldera form geometric patterns.  Mud pots form in thermal areas where the gas phase is dominant over the liquid phase and extensive hydrothermal alteration of rocks has occurred, producing fine-grained, clay-rich material. Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1986.

Bubbling mud pots at a thermal area of New Zealand's Reporoa caldera form geometric patterns. Mud pots form in thermal areas where the gas phase is dominant over the liquid phase and extensive hydrothermal alteration of rocks has occurred, producing fine-grained, clay-rich material.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1986.

Copyrighted image used with permission. All Rights Reserved. Contact photographer for any usage requests.
