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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-07302

Steam pours from twin silencer towers at the Berlín 2 geothermal site.  Geothermal fluids can flow from a well at the speed of sound, which resembles that of a jet engine to the field crew.  The silencer drops the sound to a dull roar.  Two 25 MW power plants came on line at Berlín 2 in 1998 and 1999.  The two plants utilize both production and reinjection wells, and were expected (after operating and financial expenses) to save $56,000 in fuel costs per day. Photo courtesy of Comisión Ejecutiva Hidroeléctricia del Río Lempa (CEL), 1992.

Steam pours from twin silencer towers at the Berlín 2 geothermal site. Geothermal fluids can flow from a well at the speed of sound, which resembles that of a jet engine to the field crew. The silencer drops the sound to a dull roar. Two 25 MW power plants came on line at Berlín 2 in 1998 and 1999. The two plants utilize both production and reinjection wells, and were expected (after operating and financial expenses) to save $56,000 in fuel costs per day.

Photo courtesy of Comisión Ejecutiva Hidroeléctricia del Río Lempa (CEL), 1992.

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