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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-09456

The view WNW from the western side of Little Sitkin Island includes the broad Davidof island, part of the rim of a largely submerged caldera across the right-center. The snow-capped peak behind Davidof is Segula volcano. In the background to the far left is the Kiska volcano. Photo by Steve Ebbert, 2000 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service).

The view WNW from the western side of Little Sitkin Island includes the broad Davidof island, part of the rim of a largely submerged caldera across the right-center. The snow-capped peak behind Davidof is Segula volcano. In the background to the far left is the Kiska volcano.

Photo by Steve Ebbert, 2000 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service).

Creative Commons Icon This image is made available as a Public Domain Work, but proper attribution is appreciated.

Keywords: stratovolcano


