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Volcanoes of the World (VOTW) Webservices Information

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS) provides an interface standard that allows a client to get geographical feature data from an internet server using platform-independent requests. The standard also specifies means for a client to request information about the server capabilities. Many commercial and open source GIS and mapping software have client-side support for WFS. The general request link can be modified as needed to retrieve specific data. For more information, see this GeoServer WFS Reference page.

GVP is using GeoServer software to provide WFS webservices; other data-retrieval options such as Web Coverage Service (WCS) and Web Map Service (WMS) are not available. However, the WFS options do allow retrieval using CSV, GML, GeoJSON, KML, and Shapefile formats.

GVP Web Feature Service (WFS)

GeoServer Welcome: https://webservices.volcano.si.edu/geoserver/web/
Go to the "Layer Preview" and the formats dropdown to see samples of available formats (WFS only).

WFS Capabilities: https://webservices.volcano.si.edu/geoserver/GVP-VOTW/wfs?request=GetCapabilities

Volcanoes of the World Data

Holocene Volcanoes: [GetFeatures (sample of 100 volcanoes)] [DescribeFeatureType]

Pleistocene Volcanoes: [GetFeatures (sample of 100 volcanoes)] [DescribeFeatureType]

Holocene Eruptions: [GetFeatures (sample of 100 volcanoes)] [DescribeFeatureType]

E3 WebApp Support

These layers contain limited data used by the "Eruptions, Earthquakes, & Emissions" web application.

E3WebApp_HoloceneVolcanoes: [GetFeatures Sample] [DescribeFeatureType]

E3WebApp_Eruptions1960: [GetFeatures Sample] [DescribeFeatureType]

E3WebApp_Emissions: [GetFeatures Sample] [DescribeFeatureType]


Global Volcanism Program, 2024. [Database] Volcanoes of the World (v. 5.2.3; 20 Sep 2024). Distributed by Smithsonian Institution, compiled by Venzke, E. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.GVP.VOTW5-2024.5.2