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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-01261

Gunung Empung volcano, seen here from the SW near the rim of Tompaluan crater, is lower than its twin volcano, Gunung Lokon.  In constrast to Lokon volcano, which lacks a summit crater, Empung volcano contains a 400-m-wide, 150-m-deep crater.  Empung was active during the 14th and 18th centuries, but all eruptions since have occurred from Tompaluan crater, which occupies a saddle between Lokon and Empung. Photo by A.D. Wirasaputra, 1973 (Volcanological Survey of Indonesia).

Gunung Empung volcano, seen here from the SW near the rim of Tompaluan crater, is lower than its twin volcano, Gunung Lokon. In constrast to Lokon volcano, which lacks a summit crater, Empung volcano contains a 400-m-wide, 150-m-deep crater. Empung was active during the 14th and 18th centuries, but all eruptions since have occurred from Tompaluan crater, which occupies a saddle between Lokon and Empung.

Photo by A.D. Wirasaputra, 1973 (Volcanological Survey of Indonesia).

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