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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-01270

Mahawu volcano, located immediately to the east of Lokon-Empung volcano, contains a 450-m-wide, 140-m-deep summit crater.  Active fumaroles are seen in this 1991 photo of the north end of the crater, which sometimes contains a crater lake.  Small-to-moderate explosive eruptions have been recorded at 1331-m-high Mahawu volcano since the 18th century. Photo by Ruska Hadian, 1991 (Volcanological Survey of Indonesia).

Mahawu volcano, located immediately to the east of Lokon-Empung volcano, contains a 450-m-wide, 140-m-deep summit crater. Active fumaroles are seen in this 1991 photo of the north end of the crater, which sometimes contains a crater lake. Small-to-moderate explosive eruptions have been recorded at 1331-m-high Mahawu volcano since the 18th century.

Photo by Ruska Hadian, 1991 (Volcanological Survey of Indonesia).

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