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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-03811

The pre-1982 summit of El Chichón is seen in this aerial view from the east. A large lava dome fills a 1.6 x 2 km wide crater that formed about 220,000 years ago. This dome was destroyed by the 1982 eruptions, which created a new 1-km-wide crater where the former dome was. Two older lava domes are visible to the SW (upper left) and NW (upper right). Photo by René Canul, 1981 (Comisión Federal de Electricidad).

The pre-1982 summit of El Chichón is seen in this aerial view from the east. A large lava dome fills a 1.6 x 2 km wide crater that formed about 220,000 years ago. This dome was destroyed by the 1982 eruptions, which created a new 1-km-wide crater where the former dome was. Two older lava domes are visible to the SW (upper left) and NW (upper right).

Photo by René Canul, 1981 (Comisión Federal de Electricidad).

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Keywords: lava dome

El Chichón