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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-06773

Extensive areas of hydrothermally altered rock occur at Steamboat Springs, a small volcanic field of rhyolitic lava domes and flows south of Reno, Nevada.  Volcanism ranges in age from 2.53 to 1.14 million years.  No eruptive activity has occurred during the Holocene, although the Steamboat Springs area contains about 50 active hot springs, numerous steam vents and fumaroles, and is an actively producing geothermal field.       Photo by Bill Rose, 1976 (Michigan Technological University).

Extensive areas of hydrothermally altered rock occur at Steamboat Springs, a small volcanic field of rhyolitic lava domes and flows south of Reno, Nevada. Volcanism ranges in age from 2.53 to 1.14 million years. No eruptive activity has occurred during the Holocene, although the Steamboat Springs area contains about 50 active hot springs, numerous steam vents and fumaroles, and is an actively producing geothermal field.

Photo by Bill Rose, 1976 (Michigan Technological University).

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Steamboat Springs