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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-08242

The buildings seen in the center of the photo along the shore of Lake Managua are part of the Patricio Arguello Ryan geothermal plant on the lower southern flank of Momotombo volcano.  At one point the power plant produced 25% of electrical power generation for the country.  In the distance on the left horizon is Cerro Montoso, a peak on the rim of Monte Galán caldera. Photo by Paul Kimberly, 1998 (Smithsonian Institution).

The buildings seen in the center of the photo along the shore of Lake Managua are part of the Patricio Arguello Ryan geothermal plant on the lower southern flank of Momotombo volcano. At one point the power plant produced 25% of electrical power generation for the country. In the distance on the left horizon is Cerro Montoso, a peak on the rim of Monte Galán caldera.

Photo by Paul Kimberly, 1998 (Smithsonian Institution).

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