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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-10344

The 1.5-km-wide, steep-sided island of Meheti’a, seen here from the south, is the youngest and SE-most of the Society Islands. Wave erosion has exposed older lava flows, leaving steep cliffs that overlie coral reefs.  Photo by Jacky Vedraine (http://www.polynesiepassion.net).

The 1.5-km-wide, steep-sided island of Meheti’a, seen here from the south, is the youngest and SE-most of the Society Islands. Wave erosion has exposed older lava flows, leaving steep cliffs that overlie coral reefs.

Photo by Jacky Vedraine (http://www.polynesiepassion.net).

Creative Commons Icon This image is made available under the Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 license terms.

Keywords: island volcano | erosion
