Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-10745
Ahyi seamount (upper right) is a large submarine volcano that rises to within about 150 m of the sea surface about 18 km SE of the island of Farallon de Pajaros (left-center). At various times since 1979, water discoloration, felt seismicity followed by upwelling of sulfur-bearing water, and a seismically detected submarine eruption have been reported at or near the seamount. Two submarine volcanoes on the flanks of Farallon de Pajaros, Northwest Uracas and Makhahnas, are seen in this NOAA bathymetric image.
Image courtesy of NOAA, 2003 (
This image is made available as a Public Domain Work, but proper attribution is appreciated.
Galleries: Submarine Volcanoes | Technology
Keywords: submarine volcano | remote sensing | technology | model | DEM | bathymetry
Farallon de Pájaros