Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-11795
Akusekijima is seen from the N with the Omune lava flow forming a plateau in the foreground. The dacitic lava flow, the youngest featute, has experienced little erosion and lacks overlying tephra layers, suggesting a young age. Akusekijima is located in the southern Ryukyu Islands, and consists of the two older Biroyama and Nakadake edifices. The Mitake lava dome (right) forms the high point of the small 2.5 x 3.2 km island.
Copyrighted photo by Shun Nakano, 2004 (Japanese Quaternary Volcanoes database, RIODB, and Geol Surv Japan, AIST,
Copyrighted image used with permission. All Rights Reserved. Contact photographer for any usage requests.
Keywords: island volcano
