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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-12025

Egon volcano, with its vegetation-free summit lava dome, rises above farmlands at its base. The summit has a 350-m-wide, 200-m-deep crater that sometimes contains a lake. Other small crater lakes occur on the flanks of the volcano. Photo by Igan S., 2004 (Centre of Volcanology & Geological Hazard Mitigation, Volcanological Survey of Indonesia).

Egon volcano, with its vegetation-free summit lava dome, rises above farmlands at its base. The summit has a 350-m-wide, 200-m-deep crater that sometimes contains a lake. Other small crater lakes occur on the flanks of the volcano.

Photo by Igan S., 2004 (Centre of Volcanology & Geological Hazard Mitigation, Volcanological Survey of Indonesia).

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