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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-12239

The Olkaria volcanic field contains over 80 eruption centers, some of which are visible south of Lake Naivasha in this 16 September 2019 Sentinel-2 Satellite image (N at the top). Recent activity formed the red-brown Ololbutot lava flow at the bottom of the image, which is approximately 3.5 km in the E-W direction. Satellite image courtesy of Copernicus Sentinel Data, 2019.

The Olkaria volcanic field contains over 80 eruption centers, some of which are visible south of Lake Naivasha in this 16 September 2019 Sentinel-2 Satellite image (N at the top). Recent activity formed the red-brown Ololbutot lava flow at the bottom of the image, which is approximately 3.5 km in the E-W direction.

Satellite image courtesy of Copernicus Sentinel Data, 2019.

Creative Commons Icon This image is made available under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms.

Keywords: volcanic field | lava flow
