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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-12850

The trees along the Baidarnaya river channel walls in this 2015 view towards the W were killed by the October 2010 block-and-ash flow, around 14 km from the lava dome where the flow originated. By the time this photo was taken, extensive erosion had occurred through the deposit across the channel floor. Photo by Janine Krippner, 2015.

The trees along the Baidarnaya river channel walls in this 2015 view towards the W were killed by the October 2010 block-and-ash flow, around 14 km from the lava dome where the flow originated. By the time this photo was taken, extensive erosion had occurred through the deposit across the channel floor.

Photo by Janine Krippner, 2015.

Creative Commons Icon This image is made available under the Creative Commons BY-ND 4.0 license terms.

Keywords: vegetation | deposit | environmental impact | erosion
