Report on Merapi (Indonesia) — 6 November-12 November 2019
Smithsonian Institution / US Geological Survey
Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 6 November-12 November 2019
Managing Editor: Sally Sennert.
Please cite this report as:
Global Volcanism Program, 2019. Report on Merapi (Indonesia) (Sennert, S, ed.). Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 6 November-12 November 2019. Smithsonian Institution and US Geological Survey.
7.54°S, 110.446°E; summit elev. 2910 m
All times are local (unless otherwise noted)
PVMBG reported that at 0621 on 9 November an eruption was detected by the seismic network at Merapi and lasted two minutes and 40 seconds. A pyroclastic flow traveled 2 km down the Gendol drainage on the SE flank and an ash plume rose around 1.5 km above the summit. Minor ashfall was reported in areas to the W as far as 15 km away, including Wonolelo, Sawangan, Magelang, and Tlogolele. The event did not notably impact the morphology of the lava dome and the drainage. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4), and residents were warned to stay outside of the 3-km exclusion zone.
Geological Summary. Merapi, one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes, lies in one of the world's most densely populated areas and dominates the landscape immediately north of the major city of Yogyakarta. It is the youngest and southernmost of a volcanic chain extending NNW to Ungaran volcano. Growth of Old Merapi during the Pleistocene ended with major edifice collapse perhaps about 2,000 years ago, leaving a large arcuate scarp cutting the eroded older Batulawang volcano. Subsequent growth of the steep-sided Young Merapi edifice, its upper part unvegetated due to frequent activity, began SW of the earlier collapse scarp. Pyroclastic flows and lahars accompanying growth and collapse of the steep-sided active summit lava dome have devastated cultivated lands on the western-to-southern flanks and caused many fatalities.
Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known as CVGHM)