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Glacier Peak

Photo of this volcano
  • Country
  • Volcanic Region
  • Landform | Volc Type
  • Last Known Eruption
  • 48.112°N
  • 121.113°W

  • 3,213 m
    10,541 ft

  • 321020
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

  • Summit

  • Volcano

The Global Volcanism Program has no activity reports available for Glacier Peak.

The Global Volcanism Program has no Weekly Reports available for Glacier Peak.

The Global Volcanism Program has no Bulletin Reports available for Glacier Peak.

This compilation of synonyms and subsidiary features may not be comprehensive. Features are organized into four major categories: Cones, Craters, Domes, and Thermal Features. Synonyms of features appear indented below the primary name. In some cases additional feature type, elevation, or location details are provided.

Eruptive History

There is data available for 6 confirmed Holocene eruptive periods.

1700 ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
1700 ± 100 years - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 5 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Ash
   - - - -    - - - - Lapilli
   - - - -    - - - - Lahar or Mudflow
1700 ± 100 years    - - - - VEI (Explosivity Index)

[ 1300 ± 300 years ] Uncertain Eruption

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
1300 ± 300 years - Unknown Evidence from Unknown

List of 2 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion Uncertain
   - - - -    - - - - Lahar or Mudflow

0900 ± 50 years Confirmed Eruption VEI: 3 (?)

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
0900 ± 50 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)

List of 6 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Pyroclastic flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome
   - - - -    - - - - Tephra
   - - - -    - - - - Lahar or Mudflow
0900 ± 50 years    - - - - VEI (Explosivity Index)

0200 ± 50 years Confirmed Eruption VEI: 4

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
0200 ± 50 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)

List of 6 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Pyroclastic flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome
   - - - -    - - - - Tephra
   - - - -    - - - - Lahar or Mudflow
0200 ± 50 years    - - - - VEI (Explosivity Index)

0850 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
0850 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)

List of 5 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Phreatic activity Uncertain
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome Uncertain
   - - - -    - - - - Tephra
   - - - -    - - - - Lahar or Mudflow

3150 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
3150 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)

List of 5 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Pyroclastic flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome
   - - - -    - - - - Tephra
   - - - -    - - - - Lahar or Mudflow

3550 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
3550 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)

List of 5 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Pyroclastic flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome
   - - - -    - - - - Tephra
   - - - -    - - - - Lahar or Mudflow

[ 9675 BCE ± 375 years ] Discredited Eruption

Deformation History

There is no Deformation History data available for Glacier Peak.

Emission History

There is no Emissions History data available for Glacier Peak.

Photo Gallery

Glacier Peak has produced large explosive eruptions that have dispersed major tephra deposits over broad distances and has been frequently active during the past 5,500 years. Its eruptions were accompanied by lava dome growth, pyroclastic flows, and lahars that traveled to lowland areas far from the volcano.

Photo by Lee Siebert, 1990 (Smithsonian Institution).
Glacier Peak, to the upper right from Forbidden Peak with Dome Peak to the upper left, rises above some of the most rugged terrain of the North Cascade mountain range.

Photo by Lee Siebert, 1971 (Smithsonian Institution).
Glacier Peak, seen here from the summit of Mt. Pugh to the west, is located in the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area. It has produced voluminous eruptions that deposited thick pyroclastic flow and lahar deposits that blocked drainages, diverting the courses of the Suiattle and Swauk rivers northward into the Skagit River valley.

Photo by Lee Siebert, 1972 (Smithsonian Institution).
Glacier Peak rises above the forested slopes of the Suiattle River valley in this east side view from Buck Creek Pass. It has had frequent powerful explosive eruptions that deposited ash and pumice over wide areas, and produced pyroclastic flows and lahars that traveled long distances A recent eruption occurred only a few hundred years ago.

Photo by Lee Siebert, 1985 (Smithsonian Institution).
Glacier Peak, seen here from Buck Creek Pass on the west, is constructed on top of a high ridge. The eroded scarps at the base of the volcano are the head of the Suiattle River that eroded into thick pyroclastic flow and lahar deposits from recent eruptions.

Photo by Lee Siebert, 1985 (Smithsonian Institution).
GVP Map Holdings

Maps are not currently available due to technical issues.

Smithsonian Sample Collections Database

There are no samples for Glacier Peak in the Smithsonian's NMNH Department of Mineral Sciences Rock and Ore collection.

External Sites