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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-03231

The massive Medicine Lake volcano in NE California, seen here from the NE, encompasses a 50 x 80 km wide area. Holocene eruptions included obsidian flows from summit and flank vents, and voluminous basaltic lava flows from vents on the north and south flanks. Recent eruptions took place about 900 years ago. The summit area includes a 7 x 11 km caldera. Photo by Julie Donnely-Nolan, 1982 (U.S. Geological Survey).

The massive Medicine Lake volcano in NE California, seen here from the NE, encompasses a 50 x 80 km wide area. Holocene eruptions included obsidian flows from summit and flank vents, and voluminous basaltic lava flows from vents on the north and south flanks. Recent eruptions took place about 900 years ago. The summit area includes a 7 x 11 km caldera.

Photo by Julie Donnely-Nolan, 1982 (U.S. Geological Survey).

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Galleries: Shield Volcanoes

Keywords: shield volcano

Medicine Lake