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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-06165

These unusual-looking lava stalagmites were formed when molten lava dripped from the ceiling of an active lava tube on Lanzarote Island.  Corresponding lava stalactites hang from the ceiling of the lava tubes.  The scale of these stalagmites is not stated, but may be a few tens of centimeters.  Lava tubes are prominent features in the 1730-36 lava fields of Lanzarote. Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.

These unusual-looking lava stalagmites were formed when molten lava dripped from the ceiling of an active lava tube on Lanzarote Island. Corresponding lava stalactites hang from the ceiling of the lava tubes. The scale of these stalagmites is not stated, but may be a few tens of centimeters. Lava tubes are prominent features in the 1730-36 lava fields of Lanzarote.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.

Copyrighted image used with permission. All Rights Reserved. Contact photographer for any usage requests.
