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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-08008

Cerro el Hoyo lies at the SE end of a subsidiary NW-SE-trending chain of pyroclastic cones of the Lake Yojoa volcanic field about 2 km NE of the lakeshore.  The cones are surrounded by lava fields that are partially tholeiitic in composition, but mostly consist of trachytes, trachybasalts, and trachyandesites with large phenocrysts of sanadine and anorthoclase. Photo by Rick Wunderman, 1999 (Smithsonian Institution).

Cerro el Hoyo lies at the SE end of a subsidiary NW-SE-trending chain of pyroclastic cones of the Lake Yojoa volcanic field about 2 km NE of the lakeshore. The cones are surrounded by lava fields that are partially tholeiitic in composition, but mostly consist of trachytes, trachybasalts, and trachyandesites with large phenocrysts of sanadine and anorthoclase.

Photo by Rick Wunderman, 1999 (Smithsonian Institution).

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Lago Yojoa