Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-10581
The dark-colored lava flow along the coast in the foreground was emplaced during an eruption that began on 17 August 1939. A new scoria cone (Iwoyama) was constructed in that year at the northern end of the 1902 crater. Two lava flows reached the sea, the first at Hyogowan (the bay to the far right) and the second at Chitose Bay. Two people were killed during the eruption, which ceased at the end of December.
Copyrighted photo by Akira Takada (Japanese Quaternary Volcanoes database, RIODB, and Geol Surv Japan, AIST,
Copyrighted image used with permission. All Rights Reserved. Contact photographer for any usage requests.
Keywords: geology | stratigraphy | outcrop | erosion | lava flow
