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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-10970

Snow-mantled Volcán Maca, the highest volcano between Lanín and Lautaro, rises to 2960 m NW of Puerto Aisén.  This glacier-covered, basaltic-to-andesitic stratovolcano lies within a caldera and contains a summit lava dome.  Five flank cinder cones and lava domes lie along a NE-trending fissure that extends 15 km from the summit.  The volcano lies along the regional Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone.  Volcan Cay (far right) lies to the NE of Maca. Photo by Oscar González-Ferrán (University of Chile).

Snow-mantled Volcán Maca, the highest volcano between Lanín and Lautaro, rises to 2960 m NW of Puerto Aisén. This glacier-covered, basaltic-to-andesitic stratovolcano lies within a caldera and contains a summit lava dome. Five flank cinder cones and lava domes lie along a NE-trending fissure that extends 15 km from the summit. The volcano lies along the regional Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone. Volcan Cay (far right) lies to the NE of Maca.

Photo by Oscar González-Ferrán (University of Chile).

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