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Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-12161

Symmetrical forested Volcán Hornopirén is seen from the SW from a ferry approaching the town of the same name at the head of a fjord at the NE end of the Gulf of Ancud.  The 1572-m-high volcano, whose name means "snow oven," lies along a graben defined by the major regional Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone.  The volcano was said to be in eruption in 1835, although no details are known.  Glacier-capped Yate volcano appears in the background to the left of Hornopirén.      Photo by Jon Major, 2011 (USGS, Cascades Volcano Observatory).

Symmetrical forested Volcán Hornopirén is seen from the SW from a ferry approaching the town of the same name at the head of a fjord at the NE end of the Gulf of Ancud. The 1572-m-high volcano, whose name means "snow oven," lies along a graben defined by the major regional Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone. The volcano was said to be in eruption in 1835, although no details are known. Glacier-capped Yate volcano appears in the background to the left of Hornopirén.

Photo by Jon Major, 2011 (USGS, Cascades Volcano Observatory).

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