Report on Batu Tara (Indonesia) — January 2009
Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, vol. 34, no. 1 (January 2009)
Managing Editor: Richard Wunderman.
Batu Tara (Indonesia) Low ash plumes during 2008 into January 2009
Please cite this report as:
Global Volcanism Program, 2009. Report on Batu Tara (Indonesia) (Wunderman, R., ed.). Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 34:1. Smithsonian Institution.
Batu Tara
7.791°S, 123.585°E; summit elev. 633 m
All times are local (unless otherwise noted)
Activity at Batu Tara has been frequent since early 2007 (BGVN 32:12), with thermal anomalies and ash plumes continuing through August 2008 (BGVN 33:02 and 33:07). The volcano has remained active into early March 2009 with occasional low-level ash plumes (table 2). Based on analysis of satellite imagery, the Darwin VAAC reported ash plumes on 2 September, 3-4 October, 16-20 October, 9-10 November, and 6-7 December 2008. The plumes did not rise higher than 2.4 km altitude, and generally drifted in westerly directions. A plume during 6-7 December 2008 was visible in satellite imagery for a length of ~ 55 km. Additional ash plumes were noted during 6-7 January and 9-10 March 2009.
Table 2. Summary of Volcanic Ash Advisories for Batu Tara issued by the Darwin VAAC describing ash plumes during 2 September 2008-10 March 2009. Courtesy of the Darwin VAAC.
Date | Plume top altitude (km) | Drift direction(s) | Remarks |
02 Sep 2008 | Low-level | W | Ash |
03-04 Oct 2008 | Low-level | W, NW | Ash |
16-20 Oct 2008 | 1.5-2.4 | W | Ash |
09-10 Nov 2008 | 1.5 | NW | Ash |
06-07 Dec 2008 | 1.5 | NW, SW | Plume ~ 55 km |
06-07 Jan 2009 | 2.4 | NE, ENE | Ash |
09-10 Mar 2009 | 2.1 | NE, N, NW | Plume ~ 37 km |
Geological Summary. The small isolated island of Batu Tara in the Flores Sea about 50 km N of Lembata (fomerly Lomblen) Island contains a scarp on the eastern side similar to the Sciara del Fuoco of Italy's Stromboli volcano. Vegetation covers the flanks to within 50 m of the summit. Batu Tara lies north of the main volcanic arc and is noted for its potassic leucite-bearing basanitic and tephritic rocks. The first historical eruption, during 1847-52, produced explosions and a lava flow.
Information Contacts: Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC), Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory Regional Office, PO Box 40050, Casuarina, NT 0811, Australia (URL: