Report on Masaya (Nicaragua) — 13 March-19 March 2024
Smithsonian Institution / US Geological Survey
Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 13 March-19 March 2024
Managing Editor: Sally Sennert.
Please cite this report as:
Global Volcanism Program, 2024. Report on Masaya (Nicaragua) (Sennert, S, ed.). Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, 13 March-19 March 2024. Smithsonian Institution and US Geological Survey.
11.9844°N, 86.1688°W; summit elev. 594 m
All times are local (unless otherwise noted)
According to the U.S. Embassy in Nicaragua the Parque Nacional Volcán Masaya continued to be closed on 12 March due to an increased potential for explosive activity due to the blocking of the lava lake from landslide deposits in Santiago Crater. A satellite image from 13 March showed a slightly larger thermal anomaly on the NE crater floor compared to an 8 March image. According to a 13 March news article, INETER reported that landslides from the inner SW and NW crater walls were continuing. In a 14 March news article, a resident that lived near the volcano noted that the typical gas emissions seen before the 2 March landslide were no longer observed.
Geological Summary. Masaya volcano in Nicaragua has erupted frequently since the time of the Spanish Conquistadors, when an active lava lake prompted attempts to extract the volcano's molten "gold" until it was found to be basalt rock upon cooling. It lies within the massive Pleistocene Las Sierras caldera and is itself a broad, 6 x 11 km basaltic caldera with steep-sided walls up to 300 m high. The caldera is filled on its NW end by more than a dozen vents that erupted along a circular, 4-km-diameter fracture system. The NindirĂ and Masaya cones, the source of observed eruptions, were constructed at the southern end of the fracture system and contain multiple summit craters, including the currently active Santiago crater. A major basaltic Plinian tephra erupted from Masaya about 6,500 years ago. Recent lava flows cover much of the caldera floor and there is a lake at the far eastern end. A lava flow from the 1670 eruption overtopped the north caldera rim. Periods of long-term vigorous gas emission at roughly quarter-century intervals have caused health hazards and crop damage.
Sources: Copernicus, Onda Local, U.S. Embassy in Nicaragua, 100% Noticias