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Photo of this volcano
  • Country
  • Volcanic Region
  • Landform | Volc Type
  • Last Known Eruption
  • 42.6°N
  • 11.93°E

  • 800 m
    2,625 ft

  • 211003
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

  • Summit

  • Volcano

The Global Volcanism Program has no activity reports available for Vulsini.

The Global Volcanism Program has no Weekly Reports available for Vulsini.

The Global Volcanism Program has no Bulletin Reports available for Vulsini.

This compilation of synonyms and subsidiary features may not be comprehensive. Features are organized into four major categories: Cones, Craters, Domes, and Thermal Features. Synonyms of features appear indented below the primary name. In some cases additional feature type, elevation, or location details are provided.

Eruptive History

There is data available for 0 confirmed Holocene eruptive periods.

[ 0104 BCE ] Uncertain Eruption

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
0104 BCE - Unknown Evidence from Observations: Reported
 This 104 BCE eruption was listed by Stothers and Rampino (1983) based on a Julius Obsequens (1720, History of Rome 43) noting "flames shooting up near Volsinii."

List of 1 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Flames
Deformation History

There is no Deformation History data available for Vulsini.

Emission History

There is no Emissions History data available for Vulsini.

Photo Gallery

Geologists examine a quarry in a post-caldera cone of the Vulsini volcanic complex. The base of the quarry exposes thick, red-colored scoria deposits produced by Strombolian eruptions that built a scoria cone. These are overlain by bedded, yellowish pyroclastic surge deposits.

Photo by Richard Waitt, 1985 (U.S. Geological Survey).
The 16-km-wide Bolsena caldera containing Lago di Bolsena, is the most prominent feature of the Vulsini volcanic complex NW of Rome. The 2,000 km2 volcanic complex also includes the Latera caldera to the west. Both calderas were formed during the Pleistocene. Post-caldera eruptions produced scoria cones, lava flows, and youthful-looking cones that form islands in Lago di Bolsena.

Photo by Richard Waitt, 1985 (U.S. Geological Survey).
The small Amiata lava dome complex (just right of the center of this image), is located about 20 km NW of Lake Bolsena (left-center) in the southern Tuscany region of Italy. The largest of the domes is Monte Amiata (La Vetta). No eruptive activity has occurred during the Holocene, but thermal activity continues at a producing geothermal field.

NASA International Space Station image ISS008-E-7007, 2003 (http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/).
Three large calderas are seen in this NASA International Space Station image (with north to the upper left) of the Vulsini volcanic complex in central Italy. The 16-km-wide Lake Bolsena (left-center) was formed during major Pleistocene explosive eruptions at about 300,000 years ago and the 8 x 11 km wide Latera caldera (below and to the left of Bolsena) about 160,000 years ago. Post-caldera volcanism produced scoria cones and lava flows (lower left) until recent times. Pleistocene Lake Vico in the Cimini Mountains lies at the right-center.

NASA International Space Station image ISS006-E-36701, 2003 (http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/).
GVP Map Holdings

Maps are not currently available due to technical issues.

Smithsonian Sample Collections Database

The following 66 samples associated with this volcano can be found in the Smithsonian's NMNH Department of Mineral Sciences collections, and may be availble for research (contact the Rock and Ore Collections Manager). Catalog number links will open a window with more information.

Catalog Number Sample Description Lava Source Collection Date
NMNH 100079 Leucite Tephrite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 100080 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 100081 Leucite Tephrite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 100082 Leucite Phonolite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 111123-914 Vulsinite BOLSENA --
NMNH 111123-922 Leucite Trachyte BOLSENA --
NMNH 111123-931 Leucitite BOLSENA --
NMNH 111123-932 Leucitite BOLSENA --
NMNH 111123-942 Leucite Tephrite BOLSENA --
NMNH 111123-948 Leucite Phonolite BOLSENA --
NMNH 98878 Leucite Phonolite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98879 Leucite Phonolite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98880 Leucite Tephrite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98881 Leucite Tephrite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98882 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98883 Vulsinite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98884 Vulsinite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98885 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98886 Nepheline Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98887 Leucite Phonolite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98888 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98889 Unidentified BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98890 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98891 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98892 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98893 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98894 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98895 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98896 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98897 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98898 Vulsinite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98899 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98900 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98901 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98902 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98903 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98904 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98905 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98906 Leucite Trachyte BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98907 Leucite Tephrite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98908 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98909 Unidentified BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98910 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98911 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98912 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98913 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98914 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98915 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98916 Peperino BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98917 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98918 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98919 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98920 Leucite Tephrite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98921 Trachyte BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98922 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98923 Unidentified BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98924 Leucite Trachyte BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98925 Leucite Trachyte BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98926 Leucite Phonolite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98927 Leucite Basanite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98928 Leucitite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98929 Andesite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98930 Andesite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98931 Andesite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98932 Andesite BOLSENA CALDERA --
NMNH 98933 Andesite BOLSENA CALDERA --
External Sites