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  • Country
  • Volcanic Region
  • Landform | Volc Type
  • Last Known Eruption
  • 28.271°N
  • 16.641°W

  • 3,715 m
    12,188 ft

  • 383030
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

  • Summit

  • Volcano

Most Recent Weekly Report: 12 May-18 May 2004 Citation IconCite this Report

Local volcanologists reported that there was increased seismicity at Tenerife in mid-May, according to a news article. The article stated that during several days before 18 May there were "five successive low-intensity earthquakes in the island's most volcanically active zone in the area between Mont Teide and Santiago del Teide." The director of the Estación Vulcanológica de Canarias stated that the earthquakes, which were less than M 2, could be an early sign that something unusual was happening at the volcano.

Source: Yorkshire Post Today News

Most Recent Bulletin Report: February 2006 (BGVN 31:02) Citation IconCite this Report

2004 seismic crisis; January 2005 escalation in monitored parameters at Tiede

Juan Carlos Carracedo notified Bulletin editors that seismic activity in Tenerife during April and May 2004 was not followed by any volcanic activity. More than 200 earthquakes from magnitude 1 to 3 were recorded, but residents felt only three of them. Most of the epicenters were localized around the NW rift zone of Tenerife and in the strait between Gran Canaria and Tenerife. The crisis was probably related to dike emplacement at 3-4 km depth.

On 12 January 2005, an increase in unrest at Tenerife's Teide volcano over the previous 2 weeks was reported. Carbon dioxide emissions rose from 75 to 354 tons per day, and hydrogen sulfide emissions rose from 35 to 152 tons per day. Seismic activity remained elevated under the volcano. Fumaroles increased in pressure, and emitted sounds. No significant ground deformation was observed.

In a recent article in Eos, scientists from Spain and The Netherlands (Garcia et al., 2006), described a monitoring program for the Canary Islands. They noted that the Canary Islands started to show signs of seismo-volcanic activity at the end of 2003. In spring 2004, there was a significant increase in the number of seismic events (a mixture of regional, volcano-tectonic, and volcanic events such as tremor and long-period signals) located beneath Tenerife Island. The authors also noted an increase of fumarolic activity, an increase in carbon dioxide emissions in the NW part of the island, and changes in the gravimetric field on the N flank. After several seismic events had been felt by the population, the first alert level was declared by the civil protection division of the local government.

The volcano has a history of large eruptions destructive to populated areas. The authors reported that in 1992, the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) identified Teide, with its high-risk level, as one of the European Laboratory Volcanoes, thus receiving special consideration from the European Union concerning research proposals.

In the spring of 2005, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) initiated the TEGETEIDE project (Geophysical and Geodetic Techniques for the Study of the Teide-Pico Active Volcanic Area). It will monitor the seismicity of the volcano and include background noise analysis. The system's main goal is to detect precursors to a potentially dangerous eruptive episode at an early stage. The scheme is to use signals in both the time and the spectral domains.

References. Garcia, A., Vila, J., Ortiz, R., Macia, R., Sleeman, R., Marrero, J.M., Sanchez, N., Tarraga, M., Correig, A.M., 2006, Monitoring the reawakening of Canary Islands' Teide Volcano: EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 87, no. 6, p. 61, 65.

Information Contacts: Juan Carlos Carracedo, Estación Volcanológica de Canarias, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spanish National Research Council), Serrano, 117 28006, Madrid, Spain; Josep Vila, Departament d'Astronomia i Meteorologia, Universitat de Barcelona and Laboratori d'Estudis Geofísics "Eduard Fontserè," Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain.

Weekly Reports - Index

2004: May

12 May-18 May 2004 Citation IconCite this Report

Local volcanologists reported that there was increased seismicity at Tenerife in mid-May, according to a news article. The article stated that during several days before 18 May there were "five successive low-intensity earthquakes in the island's most volcanically active zone in the area between Mont Teide and Santiago del Teide." The director of the Estación Vulcanológica de Canarias stated that the earthquakes, which were less than M 2, could be an early sign that something unusual was happening at the volcano.

Source: Yorkshire Post Today News

Bulletin Reports - Index

Reports are organized chronologically and indexed below by Month/Year (Publication Volume:Number), and include a one-line summary. Click on the index link or scroll down to read the reports.

02/2006 (BGVN 31:02) 2004 seismic crisis; January 2005 escalation in monitored parameters at Tiede

Information is preliminary and subject to change. All times are local (unless otherwise noted)

February 2006 (BGVN 31:02) Citation IconCite this Report

2004 seismic crisis; January 2005 escalation in monitored parameters at Tiede

Juan Carlos Carracedo notified Bulletin editors that seismic activity in Tenerife during April and May 2004 was not followed by any volcanic activity. More than 200 earthquakes from magnitude 1 to 3 were recorded, but residents felt only three of them. Most of the epicenters were localized around the NW rift zone of Tenerife and in the strait between Gran Canaria and Tenerife. The crisis was probably related to dike emplacement at 3-4 km depth.

On 12 January 2005, an increase in unrest at Tenerife's Teide volcano over the previous 2 weeks was reported. Carbon dioxide emissions rose from 75 to 354 tons per day, and hydrogen sulfide emissions rose from 35 to 152 tons per day. Seismic activity remained elevated under the volcano. Fumaroles increased in pressure, and emitted sounds. No significant ground deformation was observed.

In a recent article in Eos, scientists from Spain and The Netherlands (Garcia et al., 2006), described a monitoring program for the Canary Islands. They noted that the Canary Islands started to show signs of seismo-volcanic activity at the end of 2003. In spring 2004, there was a significant increase in the number of seismic events (a mixture of regional, volcano-tectonic, and volcanic events such as tremor and long-period signals) located beneath Tenerife Island. The authors also noted an increase of fumarolic activity, an increase in carbon dioxide emissions in the NW part of the island, and changes in the gravimetric field on the N flank. After several seismic events had been felt by the population, the first alert level was declared by the civil protection division of the local government.

The volcano has a history of large eruptions destructive to populated areas. The authors reported that in 1992, the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) identified Teide, with its high-risk level, as one of the European Laboratory Volcanoes, thus receiving special consideration from the European Union concerning research proposals.

In the spring of 2005, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) initiated the TEGETEIDE project (Geophysical and Geodetic Techniques for the Study of the Teide-Pico Active Volcanic Area). It will monitor the seismicity of the volcano and include background noise analysis. The system's main goal is to detect precursors to a potentially dangerous eruptive episode at an early stage. The scheme is to use signals in both the time and the spectral domains.

References. Garcia, A., Vila, J., Ortiz, R., Macia, R., Sleeman, R., Marrero, J.M., Sanchez, N., Tarraga, M., Correig, A.M., 2006, Monitoring the reawakening of Canary Islands' Teide Volcano: EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 87, no. 6, p. 61, 65.

Information Contacts: Juan Carlos Carracedo, Estación Volcanológica de Canarias, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spanish National Research Council), Serrano, 117 28006, Madrid, Spain; Josep Vila, Departament d'Astronomia i Meteorologia, Universitat de Barcelona and Laboratori d'Estudis Geofísics "Eduard Fontserè," Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain.

This compilation of synonyms and subsidiary features may not be comprehensive. Features are organized into four major categories: Cones, Craters, Domes, and Thermal Features. Synonyms of features appear indented below the primary name. In some cases additional feature type, elevation, or location details are provided.

Eruptive History

There is data available for 42 confirmed Holocene eruptive periods.

1909 Nov 18 - 1909 Nov 27 Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Chinyero)
1909 Nov 18 - 1909 Nov 27 Evidence from Observations: Reported

List of 5 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Chinyero)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Earthquakes (undefined)
   - - - -    - - - - Property Damage
1909 Nov 18    - - - - VEI (Explosivity Index)

1798 Jun 9 - 1798 Sep 14 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 3

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) SW flank of Pico Viejo (Chahorra)
1798 Jun 9 - 1798 Sep 14 (?) Evidence from Observations: Reported

List of 7 Events for Episode 1 at SW flank of Pico Viejo (Chahorra)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow S flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow NW flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lapilli
   - - - -    - - - - Earthquakes (undefined) Before.
   - - - -    - - - - Earthquakes (undefined)
1798 Jun 9    - - - - VEI (Explosivity Index)

1706 May 5 - 1706 Jun 13 Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Garachico)
1706 May 5 - 1706 Jun 13 Evidence from Observations: Reported

List of 9 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Garachico)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Entered water.
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone
   - - - -    - - - - Earthquakes (undefined) Before.
   - - - -    - - - - Earthquakes (undefined)
   - - - -    - - - - Property Damage
   - - - -    - - - - Evacuations
1706 May 5    - - - - VEI (Explosivity Index)

1704 Dec 31 - 1705 Mar 27 Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Siete Fuentes, Fasnia, Güímar)
1704 Dec 31 - 1705 Mar 27 Evidence from Observations: Reported

List of 8 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Siete Fuentes, Fasnia, Güímar)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Audible Sounds
   - - - -    - - - - Earthquakes (undefined) Before.
   - - - -    - - - - Earthquakes (undefined)
   - - - -    - - - - Property Damage
1704 Dec 31    - - - - VEI (Explosivity Index)
1705 Jan 5    - - - - VEI (Explosivity Index)

1492 Aug 24 (in or before) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña Boca Cangrejo)
1492 Aug 24 (in or before) - Unknown Evidence from Observations: Reported

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña Boca Cangrejo)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

[ 1444 ] Uncertain Eruption

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
1444 - Unknown Evidence from Unknown

List of 1 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Fumarolic or Solfataric Uncertain

[ 1430 ] Discredited Eruption

According to aboriginal gauche tradition, three peaks (Las Arenas, Los Frailes, and Ganania) formed during an eruption in 1430 CE. Lava flows reached the sea at the present location of the city of Puerto de la Cruz. Romero (1991) questioned this eruption, and Carracedo et al. (2007) noted no recorded eruptions from the Orotavo Valley. Carracedo et al. (2010) obtained a radiocarbon date from beneath the tephra from Montana Tararo (also known as Montana de las Arenas or Montana de la Horca) in the Orotava Valley of 29,010 ± 90 years BP and an Ar-Ar date of 29,600 ± 4,200 years BP from the lava flow from this eruption. They attributed the 1430 CE date from Humboldt to a major forest fire confirmed by radiocarbon dates on charcoal.

[ 1396 ± 3 years ] Uncertain Eruption

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
1396 ± 3 years - Unknown Evidence from Unknown

List of 2 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion Uncertain
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

[ 1341 ] Uncertain Eruption

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive)
1341 - Unknown Evidence from Unknown

List of 1 Events for Episode 1

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Fumarolic or Solfataric Uncertain

1060 ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña Reventada)
1060 ± 100 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña Reventada)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Phreatomagmatic
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome

0800 ± 150 years Confirmed Eruption VEI: 0

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Pico de Tiede
0800 ± 150 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at Pico de Tiede

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Obsidian.
0800 ± 150 years    - - - - VEI (Explosivity Index)

0700 (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NE rift zone (Volcán Negro)
0700 (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at NE rift zone (Volcán Negro)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

0240 ± 150 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW flank of Pico Viejo (Roques Blancos)
0240 ± 150 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank of Pico Viejo (Roques Blancos)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

0190 (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Cuevas Negras)
0190 (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Cuevas Negras)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Entered water.
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

0090 ± 75 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Los Hornitos)
0090 ± 75 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Los Hornitos)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

0040 (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide-Pico Viejo complex
0040 (?) - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)

List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Teide-Pico Viejo complex

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

0030 ± 150 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW flank of Pico Viejo (Roques Blancos)
0030 ± 150 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank of Pico Viejo (Roques Blancos)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Entered water.
   - - - -    - - - - Pumice

0080 BCE ± 40 years Confirmed Eruption VEI: 4

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Montaña Blanca, Pico Viejo
0080 BCE ± 40 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 6 Events for Episode 1 at Montaña Blanca, Pico Viejo

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome
   - - - -    - - - - Ash
   - - - -    - - - - Pumice
0080 BCE ± 40 years    - - - - VEI (Explosivity Index)

0520 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide-Pico Viejo complex
0520 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)

List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Teide-Pico Viejo complex

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

0580 BCE ± 200 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW flank of Teide (El Boquerón)
0580 BCE ± 200 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 5 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank of Teide (El Boquerón)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone
   - - - -    - - - - Bombs
   - - - -    - - - - Scoria
   - - - -    - - - - Pumice

0670 BCE ± 200 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Volcán el Ciego)
0670 BCE ± 200 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Volcán el Ciego)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

1050 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña de Cascajo)
1050 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña de Cascajo)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Entered water.
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

1150 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide SW flank (Los Gemelos)
1150 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at Teide SW flank (Los Gemelos)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome

1400 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña Samara)
1400 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña Samara)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

1650 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide SW flank (La Mancha Ruana)
1650 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at Teide SW flank (La Mancha Ruana)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Scoria
   - - - -    - - - - Pumice

1700 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña Botija)
1700 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña Botija)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Entered water.
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

1980 BCE ± 200 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña de Chío)
1980 BCE ± 200 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña de Chío)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

2250 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide SE flank (Montaña Majúa)
2250 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at Teide SE flank (Montaña Majúa)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Scoria
   - - - -    - - - - Pumice

2300 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña Cruz de Tea)
2300 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña Cruz de Tea)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

2650 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Las Montañetas Negras)
2650 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Las Montañetas Negras)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

2850 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide SE flank (Montaña de la Cruz)
2850 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at Teide SE flank (Montaña de la Cruz)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

3050 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña Bilma)
3050 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña Bilma)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Entered water.
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

3450 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña Cruz)
3450 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña Cruz)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

3540 BCE ± 150 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide NE flank (lower Montaña Abejera)
3540 BCE ± 150 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at Teide NE flank (lower Montaña Abejera)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome

3750 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña del Estrucho)
3750 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña del Estrucho)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

3960 BCE ± 300 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide NE flank (upper Montaña Abejera)
3960 BCE ± 300 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at Teide NE flank (upper Montaña Abejera)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Entered water.
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome

4200 BCE ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña Cueve de Ratón)
4200 BCE ± 100 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña Cueve de Ratón)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

4650 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide NE flank (Montañas de los Corrales)
4650 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at Teide NE flank (Montañas de los Corrales)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

5250 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide E flank (Montaña de los Corrales)
5250 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at Teide E flank (Montaña de los Corrales)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

5550 BCE ± 1500 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide N flank (Pico Cabras)
5550 BCE ± 1500 years - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at Teide N flank (Pico Cabras)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Entered water.

5750 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide NE flank (Montañas de los Conejos)
5750 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at Teide NE flank (Montañas de los Conejos)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

6200 BCE ± 75 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña Liferfe)
6200 BCE ± 75 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña Liferfe)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow

6550 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) Teide NNE flank (Montaña del Abrunco)
6550 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at Teide NNE flank (Montaña del Abrunco)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Pumice

6850 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montaña de Abeque)
6850 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montaña de Abeque)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Entered water.
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone

7260 BCE ± 200 years Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NE flank (Montaña Negra-Los Tomillos)
7260 BCE ± 200 years - Unknown Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated)

List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at NE flank (Montaña Negra-Los Tomillos)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava dome

7550 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption  

Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) NW rift zone (Montañas Negras)
7550 BCE (?) - Unknown Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology

List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at NW rift zone (Montañas Negras)

Start Date End Date Event Type Event Remarks
   - - - -    - - - - Explosion
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow
   - - - -    - - - - Lava flow Entered water.
   - - - -    - - - - Cinder Cone
Deformation History

There is data available for 5 deformation periods. Expand each entry for additional details.

Deformation during 1993 - 2000 [Subsidence; Observed by InSAR]

Start Date: 1993 Stop Date: 2000 Direction: Subsidence Method: InSAR
Magnitude: 9.000 cm Spatial Extent: 2.00 km Latitude: 28.000 Longitude: -17.000

Remarks: Garachico deformation located in the lava flows of the Montana Negra volcano. Subsidence possibly caused by water extraction from water table.

Figure (see Caption)

Differential interferogram of Tenerife, processed with 1993 July 20 and 2000 September 15 images: panel1, Garachicodeformation (three fringes); panel 2, Ch ??o deformation (one fringe); panel 3, cuttings/clippings of several differential interferograms of Tenerife, showing how the subsidence evolves in time. Above, Garachico deformation; below, Ch ??o deformation.

From: Fernandez et al. 2005.

Reference List: Fernandez et al. 2003; Fernandez et al. 2005.

Full References:

Fernandez J, Romero R, Carrasco D, Tiampo K F, Rodríguez-Velasco G, Aparicio A, Arana V, Gonzalez-Matesanz F J, 2005. Detection of displacements on Tenerife Island, Canaries, using radar interferometry. Geophysical Journal International, 160(1): 33-45.

Fernandez J, Yu T-T, Rodriguez-Velasco G, Gonzalez-Matesanz J, Romero R, Rodriguez G, Quiros R, Dalda A, Aparicio A, Blanco M J, 2003. New geodetic monitoring system in the volcanic island of Tenerife, Canaries, Spain. Combination of InSAR and GPS techniques. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 124: 241-253.

Deformation during 1993 - 2000 [Subsidence; Observed by InSAR]

Start Date: 1993 Stop Date: 2000 Direction: Subsidence Method: InSAR
Magnitude: 3.000 cm Spatial Extent: 2.00 km Latitude: 28.000 Longitude: -17.000

Remarks: Chio deformation located south of Garachico deformation in an area covered by basaltic material. Subsidence possibly caused by water extraction from water table.

Figure (see Caption)

Differential interferogram of Tenerife, processed with 1993 July 20 and 2000 September 15 images: panel1, Garachicodeformation (three fringes); panel 2, Ch ??o deformation (one fringe); panel 3, cuttings/clippings of several differential interferograms of Tenerife, showing how the subsidence evolves in time. Above, Garachico deformation; below, Ch ??o deformation.

From: Fernandez et al. 2005.

Reference List: Fernandez et al. 2003; Fernandez et al. 2005.

Full References:

Fernandez J, Romero R, Carrasco D, Tiampo K F, Rodríguez-Velasco G, Aparicio A, Arana V, Gonzalez-Matesanz F J, 2005. Detection of displacements on Tenerife Island, Canaries, using radar interferometry. Geophysical Journal International, 160(1): 33-45.

Fernandez J, Yu T-T, Rodriguez-Velasco G, Gonzalez-Matesanz J, Romero R, Rodriguez G, Quiros R, Dalda A, Aparicio A, Blanco M J, 2003. New geodetic monitoring system in the volcanic island of Tenerife, Canaries, Spain. Combination of InSAR and GPS techniques. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 124: 241-253.

Deformation during 1993 - 2005 [Subsidence; Observed by InSAR]

Start Date: 1993 Stop Date: 2005 Direction: Subsidence Method: InSAR
Magnitude: Unknown Spatial Extent: Unknown Latitude: 28.000 Longitude: -17.000

Remarks: Subsidence located in the upper section of the NE rift related to water extraction

Figure (see Caption)

SBAS-DInSAR results. (a) Geocoded mean deformation rate map computed in correspondence to coherent pixels only, and superimposed on the DEM of the island; the reported SAR azimuth and range directions (black arrows) are indicative. Blue arrows show the horizontal displacement measured with error ellipses determined using GPS observations between 2000 and 2006 at the stations of the GPS network. The white stars, labeled as ??b??, ??c??, ??d??, ??e?? and ??f??, identify the pixels whose DInSAR LOS deformation time series are shown in panels (b?f); note that in Figure 2f the deformation associated to the 2004 seismic crisis has been highlighted in orange. (g) Plot of the mean deformation rate values (for the pixels located in coherent areas) versus topography with the locations of the areas (black letters from ??b?? to ??f??) affected by localized deformation.

From: Fernandez et al. 2009.

Reference List: Fernandez et al. 2009.

Full References:

Fernandez J, Tizzani P, Manzo M, Borgia A, Gonzalez P J, Marti J, Pepe A, Camacho A G, Casu F, Berardino P, Prieto J F, Lanari R, 2009. Gravity-driven deformation of Tenerife measured by InSAR time series analysis. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L04306. https://doi.org/10.1029/2008GL036920

Deformation during 1993 - 2005 [Subsidence; Observed by InSAR]

Start Date: 1993 Stop Date: 2005 Direction: Subsidence Method: InSAR
Magnitude: Unknown Spatial Extent: Unknown Latitude: 28.000 Longitude: -17.000

Remarks: Subsidence located within the south rift related to water extraction

Figure (see Caption)

SBAS-DInSAR results. (a) Geocoded mean deformation rate map computed in correspondence to coherent pixels only, and superimposed on the DEM of the island; the reported SAR azimuth and range directions (black arrows) are indicative. Blue arrows show the horizontal displacement measured with error ellipses determined using GPS observations between 2000 and 2006 at the stations of the GPS network. The white stars, labeled as ??b??, ??c??, ??d??, ??e?? and ??f??, identify the pixels whose DInSAR LOS deformation time series are shown in panels (b?f); note that in Figure 2f the deformation associated to the 2004 seismic crisis has been highlighted in orange. (g) Plot of the mean deformation rate values (for the pixels located in coherent areas) versus topography with the locations of the areas (black letters from ??b?? to ??f??) affected by localized deformation.

From: Fernandez et al. 2009.

Reference List: Fernandez et al. 2009.

Full References:

Fernandez J, Tizzani P, Manzo M, Borgia A, Gonzalez P J, Marti J, Pepe A, Camacho A G, Casu F, Berardino P, Prieto J F, Lanari R, 2009. Gravity-driven deformation of Tenerife measured by InSAR time series analysis. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L04306. https://doi.org/10.1029/2008GL036920

Deformation during 1993 - 2005 [Subsidence; Observed by InSAR]

Start Date: 1993 Stop Date: 2005 Direction: Subsidence Method: InSAR
Magnitude: Unknown Spatial Extent: 40.00 km Latitude: 28.000 Longitude: -17.000

Remarks: Large-scale subsidence of the Teide-Pico Veijo volcano area, possibly due to gravitational sinking of the dense core of the island into a weak lithosphere

Figure (see Caption)

SBAS-DInSAR results. (a) Geocoded mean deformation rate map computed in correspondence to coherent pixels only, and superimposed on the DEM of the island; the reported SAR azimuth and range directions (black arrows) are indicative. Blue arrows show the horizontal displacement measured with error ellipses determined using GPS observations between 2000 and 2006 at the stations of the GPS network. The white stars, labeled as ??b??, ??c??, ??d??, ??e?? and ??f??, identify the pixels whose DInSAR LOS deformation time series are shown in panels (b?f); note that in Figure 2f the deformation associated to the 2004 seismic crisis has been highlighted in orange. (g) Plot of the mean deformation rate values (for the pixels located in coherent areas) versus topography with the locations of the areas (black letters from ??b?? to ??f??) affected by localized deformation.

From: Fernandez et al. 2009.

Reference List: Fernandez et al. 2009.

Full References:

Fernandez J, Tizzani P, Manzo M, Borgia A, Gonzalez P J, Marti J, Pepe A, Camacho A G, Casu F, Berardino P, Prieto J F, Lanari R, 2009. Gravity-driven deformation of Tenerife measured by InSAR time series analysis. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L04306. https://doi.org/10.1029/2008GL036920

Emission History

There is no Emissions History data available for Tenerife.

Photo Gallery

The town of Garachico on the northwestern coast of Tenerife Island occupies a lava delta created during an 18th-century eruption. The Garachico cinder cone, which was formed during the 1706 eruption, produced a 7-km-long lava flow that descended nearly 1400 m to the sea, destroying much of the village of Tanque as well as the town and port of Garachico. The Roque de Garachico island at the top of the photo predates the lava flow.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
The arcuate rim of Las Cañadas caldera on Tenerife volcano in the Canary Islands rises in the distance above the flat-lying caldera floor. This view looks to the SE from the summit of Pico de Teide, a large stratovolcano constructed within the massive 10 x 17 km wide caldera. Dark-colored lava flows from Pico de Teide and other post-caldera cones mantle the caldera floor, which lies 300-m below the far caldera rim and 1700-m below the summit of Pico de Teide.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
Pico de Teide towers above the Llanos de Ucanca plain on the floor of Las Cañadas caldera. The rocky spires in the foreground are eroded remains of intrusive phonolitic rocks of the Cañadas formation, predating formation of the caldera. Youthful dark-colored lava flows blanket the SW (left) side of Teide. The upper limit of the snowfield just below the summit of Teide marks the rim of the summit crater.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
The 3715-m-high Teide stratovolcano, the highest peak in the Atlantic Ocean, dominates the island of Tenerife. Pico de Teide was constructed within the 10 x 17 km Las Cañadas caldera. The NE-trending Cordillera Dorsal volcanic massif joins the Las Cañadas volcano on the SW side of Tenerife with older volcanoes, creating the largest of the Canary Islands. Tenerife was observed in eruption by Christopher Columbus, and several other flank vents on the most active volcano of the Canary Islands have erupted during historical time.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
Trachytic lava flows with prominent lateral levees descend from the summit of Pico de Teide volcano and spill over the rim of an older crater. The pylon at the lower left and the building at left-center mark the upper part of an aerial cable car line that provides access to the 3715-m-high summit of Pico de Teide, the highest peak in the Atlantic Ocean.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
Steep-sided Pico de Teide rises to 3715 m on SW Tenerife Island. The summit cone is capped by a small 70-m-wide crater and was constructed within a larger crater, whose outer slopes form the light-colored areas at the right. A dramatic complex of overlapping obsidian-bearing lava flows with prominent levees descends from the summit and drapes the western flanks of the volcano. The age of the lava flows is not known, but they represent some of the most recent eruptive activity on Tenerife.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
A dark-colored trachytic lava flow descends the flanks of Pico de Teide volcano on Tenerife Island in the Canary archipelago. The viscous obsidian-bearing lava flow displays steep-sided lateral levees. These define individual lobes that diverged around a high point on the surface of the flow. Another lava flow, one of many youthful flows erupted from Pico de Teide, forms the dark streak at the top center of the photo just below the skyline.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
The summit of Pico de Teide volcano towers 1700 m above the floor of Las Cañadas caldera, whose southern caldera wall forms the craggy cliffs at the top of the photo. Fresh-looking unvegetated lava flows descend 7 km from the summit of Pico de Teide to the caldera wall, spreading across the light-colored sediments (upper left) on the broad caldera floor.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
Pico de Teide, the highest peak in the Atlantic Ocean, towers 1700 m above the floor of Las Cañadas caldera. The small nearly circular, 70-m-wide Caldereta crater truncates the summit of Pico de Teide. The prominent 750-m-wide summit crater of Pico Viejo, another post-caldera stratovolcano, appears to the WSW beyond the summit of Pico de Teide.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
Fresh-looking lava flows, seen here from the summit of Pico de Teide, descend towards Pico Viejo (top center) and diverge to the north and south along a broad saddle between the two volcanoes. A 750-m-wide crater truncates the summit of Pico Viejo, which was formed contemporaneously with Pico de Teide. These two stratovolcanoes were constructed within the 10 x 17 km wide Las Cañadas caldera, whose floor is visible in the distance.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
A prominent crater caps Pico Viejo, the second largest stratovolcano constructed within the massive Las Cañadas caldera. The sharp-peaked summit of the largest post-caldera volcano, Pico de Teide, casts a shadow (upper right) on the floor of the caldera. Dark-colored trachytic lava flows with prominent lateral levees descend at the lower right from the summit of Pico de Teide. A chain of youthful cinder cones, some of which erupted during historical time, occupies the caldera floor beyond Pico Viejo at the left.

Copyrighted photo by Katia and Maurice Krafft, 1977.
Teide volcano, the highest point on the island of Tenerife, towers above the scarp of the massive Orotava landslide, which occurred about 600,000 years ago. The light-colored area on the eastern foot of the volcano (left) is covered by tephra deposits from the Plinian Montana Blanca eruption about 2,000 years ago. Teide was constructed within the 10 x 16 km wide Las Cañadas caldera on the SW side of Tenerife. The large triangular island is composed of a complex of overlapping stratovolcanoes that have remained active into historical time.

Photo by Alexander Belousov, 2001 (Institute of Volcanology, Kamchatka, Russia).
GVP Map Holdings

Maps are not currently available due to technical issues.

Smithsonian Sample Collections Database

The following 3 samples associated with this volcano can be found in the Smithsonian's NMNH Department of Mineral Sciences collections, and may be availble for research (contact the Rock and Ore Collections Manager). Catalog number links will open a window with more information.

Catalog Number Sample Description Lava Source Collection Date
NMNH 110021 Basalt -- --
NMNH 110022 Phonolite -- --
NMNH 110023 Rhyolitic Obsidian -- --
External Sites