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Netherlands Volcanoes

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Netherlands has 2 Holocene volcanoes. Note that as a scientific organization we provide these listings for informational purposes only, with no international legal or policy implications. Volcanoes will be included on this list if they are within the boundaries of a country, on a shared boundary or area, in a remote territory, or within a maritime Exclusive Economic Zone. Bolded volcanoes have erupted within the past 20 years. Suggestions and data updates are always welcome ().

Volcano Name Last Eruption Volcanic Region Primary Landform
The Quill 250 CE Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc Composite
Saba 1640 CE Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc Composite

Chronological listing of known Holocene eruptions (confirmed or uncertain) from volcanoes in Netherlands. Bolded eruptions indicate continuing activity.

Volcano Name Start Date Stop Date Certainty VEI Evidence
Saba 1640 (in or before) Unknown Confirmed   Observations: Reported
The Quill 0250 ± 150 years Unknown Confirmed   Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
The Quill 0550 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed   Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
The Quill 6140 BCE ± 200 years Unknown Confirmed 4 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)

Netherlands has 1 Pleistocene volcanoes. Note that as a scientific organization we provide these listings for informational purposes only, with no international legal or policy implications. Volcanoes will be included on this list if they are within the boundaries of a country, on a shared boundary or area, in a remote territory, or within a maritime Exclusive Economic Zone. Suggestions and data updates are always welcome ().

Volcano Name Volcanic Region Primary Volcano Type
Northern Centres Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc Composite

This is a compilation of Netherlands volcano information sources, such as official monitoring or other government agencies.