Global Volcanism Program | Image GVP-11793
Nishimine, the western peak of Yokoatejima, is seen from the NW with a road visible at the left that reaches the summit crater. Yokoatejima is a small, 3.5-km-long island at the SW end of the Tokara island chain with two peaks, Higashimine to the E and Nishimine to the W. It is a post-caldera cone within a 7 x 10 km submarine caldera. Historical documents at the end of the Edo Period mention ash plumes.
Copyrighted photo by Shun Nakano, 2004 (Japanese Quaternary Volcanoes database, RIODB, and Geol Surv Japan, AIST,
Copyrighted image used with permission. All Rights Reserved. Contact photographer for any usage requests.
Keywords: outcrop | stratigraphy | scoria cone | scoria