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Photo of this volcano
  • Panama
  • Central America Volcanic Arc
  • Composite | Stratovolcano
  • Pleistocene
  • Country
  • Volcanic Province
  • Landform | Volc Type
  • Last Known Eruption
  • 8.88°N
  • 82.67°W

  • 2,986 m
    9,797 ft

  • 346800
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

  • Summit

  • Volcano

The Global Volcanism Program has no activity reports available for Tisingal.

The Global Volcanism Program has no Weekly Reports available for Tisingal.

The Global Volcanism Program has no Bulletin Reports available for Tisingal.

This compilation of synonyms and subsidiary features may not be comprehensive. Features are organized into four major categories: Cones, Craters, Domes, and Thermal Features. Synonyms of features appear indented below the primary name. In some cases additional feature type, elevation, or location details are provided.

Eruptive History

The Global Volcanism Program is not aware of any Holocene eruptions from Tisingal. If this volcano has had large eruptions (VEI >= 4) prior to 10,000 years ago, information might be found on the Tisingal page in the LaMEVE (Large Magnitude Explosive Volcanic Eruptions) database, a part of the Volcano Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project (VOGRIPA).

Deformation History

There is no Deformation History data available for Tisingal.

Emission History

There is no Emissions History data available for Tisingal.

Photo Gallery

The Volcán Barú summit lava dome complex is seen here from the SE. The road to the right leads to communication towers at the summit. The ridge extending across the photo beyond the domes is the northern headwall of a large horseshoe-shaped collapse scarp.

Photo by Tom Casadevall, 1994 (U.S. Geological Survey).
The summit of Barú volcano is just above the wing tip in this view from the SE. Communication towers line the ridge to the right of the summit. Behind it is the northern wall of a large horseshoe-shaped collapse scarp. The Pleistocene Volcán Colorado is under clouds to the upper right.

Photo by Tom Casadevall, 1994 (U.S. Geological Survey).
This photo shows Volcán Barú from the ESE. The summit lava dome complex appears beyond the back wall of a large collapse scarp that forms an irregular ridge near the summit. The flat-topped edifice beyond Barú to the right (NW) is the Pleistocene Volcán Colorado.

Photo by Tom Casadevall, 1994 (U.S. Geological Survey).
The irregular, hummocky terrain extending to the SW toward the Pacific coastal plain is part of a massive debris-avalanche deposit that originated from edifice collapse of Volcán Tisingal. This view is from Cerro Pando, a satellitic lava dome south of Volcán Colorado. Both volcanoes of the Barú-Colorado complex underwent edifice failure, producing voluminous debris-avalanche deposits that form a broad blanket reaching beyond the Panamerican highway to the Pacific coastal plain.

Photo by Lee Siebert, 1998 (Smithsonian Institution).
Clouds drape Cerro Totuma (left) and Cerro Pelón (right), post-caldera lava domes of Volcán Tsingal (Cerro Colorado). The volcano lies in the Talamanca Range of westernmost Panama, next to the Costa Rica border NW of Volcán Barú. The photo is taken from Cerro Pando, a lava dome that lies on the southern side of the volcano, opposite a 7-km-wide caldera that is breached widely to the SW. Potassium-Argon ages for the Volcán Colorado complex range from 1.66 million years to 0.52 million years.

Photo by Lee Siebert, 1998 (Smithsonian Institution).
This false-color Landsat image shows two large Quaternary volcanoes in western Panamá. Barú volcano is at the upper right below the cloud cover, and Volcán Colorado lies at the top center. Virtually the entire lower left quadrant of the image is underlain by debris avalanche deposits produced by collapse of these two volcanoes, which left large scarps opening widely towards the W and SW. The light-colored area west of Barú consists of pyroclastic flow and lahar deposits related to lava dome growth.

NASA Landsat satellite image (courtesy of Kathleen Johnson, University of New Orleans).
Two post-caldera lava domes of Volcán Colorado are seen here from the NE. The forested dacitic 2679-m-high Cerro Pelón lava dome is at the left center and andesitic 2625-m-high Cerro Totuma is the lava dome at the right. Roughly 1400-year-old tephra deposits on top of Cerro Totuma originated from Volcán Barú. The northern caldera rim can be seen just above the cloud layer, in front and to the left of Cerro Totuma. The caldera is breached widely to the SW, in the direction of Costa Rica in the background.

Photo by Kathleen Johnson, 1998 (New Orleans University).
GVP Map Holdings

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The maps shown below have been scanned from the GVP map archives and include the volcano on this page. Clicking on the small images will load the full 300 dpi map. Very small-scale maps (such as world maps) are not included.

Smithsonian Sample Collections Database

There are no samples for Tisingal in the Smithsonian's NMNH Department of Mineral Sciences Rock and Ore collection.

External Sites