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Which countries have the most volcanoes?

This list shows the 20 countries with the most volcanoes that have erupted during the last 12,000 years, though Holocene volcanoes can be found in 78 different countries (plus Antarctica). Totals include various categories of overseas territories, not simply "mainland" locations. Volcanoes that are along a national boundary or are otherwise claimed by more than one country are included in the count for each. Although GVP tries to be consistent with data from official national agencies, there may be some minor differences due to varying criteria or other reasons. All data are current as of 2 March 2024. There is also a full list of countries with Holocene volcanoes.

Country Holocene
Active since
1800 CE
Active since
1950 CE
Currently Erupting (2 March 2024)
1. United States 165 63 42 Ahyi, Shishaldin, Great Sitkin
2. Japan 121 62 44 Kikai, Aira, Suwanosejima
3. Indonesia 117 74 58 Lewotobi, Marapi, Merapi, Lewotolok, Karangetang, Semeru, Ibu, Dukono
4. Russia 115 49 33 Klyuchevskoy, Ebeko, Bezymianny, Sheveluch
5. Chile 91 35 19 Villarrica
6. Ethiopia 50 10 5 Erta Ale
7. Papua New Guinea 45 20 15 Langila, Manam, Bagana
8. Mexico 37 9 7 Popocatepetl
9. Philippines 37 14 7 Mayon
10. Ecuador 36 18 12 Fernandina, Sangay, Reventador
11. Iceland 35 14 10
12. Argentina 34 6 3
13. Canada 24 1 0
14. New Zealand 24 9 8
15. Guatemala 21 7 5 Fuego, Santa Maria
16. Tonga 21 15 10 Tofua
17. Kenya 21 5 0
18. El Salvador 20 5 3
19. Antarctica 19 5 2 Erebus
20. France 19 11 9

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Global Volcanism Program, 2024. [Database] Volcanoes of the World (v. 5.1.6; 2 Mar 2024). Distributed by Smithsonian Institution, compiled by Venzke, E. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.GVP.VOTW5-2023.5.1