Based on information from JMA, VRC reported that 67 earthquakes occurred at Mt. Fuji on 30 April, which was the highest number since 53 earthquakes occurred on 18 December 2000. Activity had been relatively low since January 2001. During 3-9 May ~130 predominately low-frequency earthquakes occurred that were located ~15 km beneath an area just NE of the volcano's summit. No other anomalous volcanic activity was observed by NIED.
Source: Volcano Research Center-Earthquake Research Institute (University of Tokyo)
2000-2001 epicenter migration; deep magma; 2011 M 6 aftershock at volcano
Fuji remains non-eruptive. Fujita and others (2013) investigate the likelihood that Fuji may erupt due to the 2011 E Shizuoka earthquake (M 6) centered on the volcano. Our previous reports of February 2001 (BGVN 26:02) and September 2001 (BGVN 26:09) described the 2000-2001 deep low-frequency (DLF) earthquake swarm under Fuji. In the first section below, we summarize work by Ukawa (2005) and Nakashimi and others (2004) who provide further details and analysis of DLF swarm activity, and discuss midcrustal, low-frequency earthquakes (MLFs) recorded during 1998-2003. Discussion in those papers noted likely molten material at depth below the volcano.
The next section reports the stress-field and pressure changes to Fuji's magmatic system due to the 11 March 2011 Tohoko megathrust, an MW 9 earthquake, which created the tsunami that devastated parts of costal NE Honshu including the Fukushima nuclear power plant. In addition, an MW 5.9 aftershock was centered below Fuji. Fujita and others (2013) assessed the possibility that the stress-field and pressure changes could enable magma to escape to the surface. Although they concluded that preexisting faults could rupture the chamber walls, the changes were seemingly insufficient to do so, suggesting no eruption was imminent.
Background. During the early 1980s, the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) installed the Kanto-Tokai seismic network in central Japan (figure 2). Later refinements included adding stations SSN and SHJ (not shown), and in the 1990s, stations, FJN, FJY, FJS and FJH, each with three component seismometers and two component tiltmeters at the bottom of 200-m-deep boreholes. In April 1995, Mt Fuji seismic data recording began using the constellation of stations.
The Fuji DLF earthquake epicenters were located using 1987 to 2001 data from the early 1980 Kanto-Tokai seismic network and later data taken at the four Fuji stations installed in 1990 (figure 3). Nakamichi and others (2005) reexamined epicenter locations of Ukawa (2004). JMA updated safety and evacuation plans.
DLFs during 2000-2001. Ukawa (2005) examined the 2000-2001 DLF swarm beneath Fuji. The typical activity here since the early 1980s was 10-20 earthquakes a year at midcrustal depth described as burst-like activity lasting from several minutes to 30 minutes.
The cumulative occurrence of DLF earthquakes their associated cumulative wave energy are plotted in figure FUJ2. The cumulative number rate, or the slope of the curve, is almost constant between 1980-1995, followed by several small slope changes before the later months of 2000 due to the improvements in the seismic network and the new data processing system. The sharp increase in 2000-2001 is far larger than the increase due to the enlarged seismic network. In total, 286 events were identified during the eight months from October 2000 to May 2001. The wave energy increased to approximately twice the average recorded during the prior years.
Regarding Fuji, Ukawa (2005) notes, "On the basis of the DLF earthquake observations by the NIED seismic network, we investigated the temporal change of their occurrence rate from 1980 to 2003 and the hypocenter locations from 1987 to May 2001. The occurrence rate and the seismic wave energy release rate show an abrupt increase from October 2000 to May 2001, suggesting a change in the environment. ...Relocation of hypocenters of the DLF earthquakes indicates that hypocenters of the DLF earthquakes cluster mainly in an elongated region measuring 5 km along the long axis in a NW-SE direction, the center of which is located about 3 km NE from the summit. In addition to the main cluster, hypocenters extend to the southwest from the summit. During the swarm activity in 2000 to 2001, activity in the primary hypocenter region on the northeastern side of Mount Fuji increased greatly. The focal depths of well located DLF events range from 10 to 20 km. The sharp increase of DLF earthquake activity at Mount Fuji began soon after magma discharge and intrusion events in the Miyake-jima and Kozu-shima region in July and August 2000. These events may have modified the state of the deep magmatic system beneath Mount Fuji, thus triggering the DLF earthquake swarm."
Figure 4 shows the three volcanoes mentioned above: Fuji, Miyake-jima, and Kozu-shima. Several more volcanoes also of Holocene age did not erupt.
MLF earthquakes during 1998-2003. Nakamichi and others (2004) revisited Fuji MLF data, that like the DLFs of 2000-2001, they also clustered near the summit. "We have determined the hypocenter locations of MLFs using the hypoDD program [a double-difference algorithm; Waldhauser and Ellsworth, 2000] and repicked arrival times from the seismic networks of ERI, JMA and NIED in and around Mt. Fuji between 1998 and 2003 including the active periods from September 2000 to May 2001, [figure 5]".
The authors summarized their results as follows: "(1) Hypocenters of MLFs define an ellipsoidal volume, 5 km in diameter ranging from 11 to 16 km in focal depth. (2) This volume is centered at 3 km NE of the summit and its long axis is trending NW. This orientation coincides with the major axis of tectonic compression around Mt. Fuji. (3) The center of the MLF epicenters migrated upward and 2-3 km from SE to NW in 1998-2001."
Nakamichi and others, (2004) continue, "We interpret that the hypocentral migration of MLFs reflects magma movement associated with a NW-SE oriented dike beneath Mt. Fuji, figure 6. The relative error ranges of the hypocenters relocated here are from 100 to 500 m horizontally and from 200 to 700 m vertically. No elongated structure in the direction of the observed NW- SE strike is observed in the simulations, indicating that the observed strike is not an artifact of the relocation procedure [seen in Figure 6b along the plane A-A']. The extent of this depth range is also supported by the spread in S-P readings for individual earthquakes. S-P arrival time differences for well-recorded MLFs at station KMR range from 1.9 to 2.4 s, verifying that MLFs beneath Mt. Fuji span a depth range of at least 4 km, and are not confined to a very small volume."
The MLFs also shifted with time. The spatial and temporal variations of MLF hypocenters plotted on figure 7. Nakamichi and others (2004) observed focal depths of MLFs in 1998- 1999 that were 12-16 km deep and "seemed to move deeper gradually."
Two key points from Nakamichi and others (2004) were (1) the MLF processing indicated that the hypocenters migrated 2-3 km upward during 1998-2001, and (2) they interpreted the MLF hypocenter migration as reflecting magma movement associated with a NW-trending dike beneath Fuji.
2011 Fuji stress change after the MW 9 Tohoko earthquake. Fujita and others (2013) studied the Tohoko earthquake and aftershocks in order to see whether the changes in the stress field and pressure changes would cause the known active magma system to erupt. The Tohoku earthquake, MW~9, struck on 11 Mar 2011. Extension occurred over a wide region of the Japanese mainland (Fujita and others, 2013). Aftershocks included those at N Nagano (MW 6.3) on 12 March, at E Shizoka (MW 5.9) on 15 March, and at N Ibaraki (MW 5.8) on 19 March, figure 8. The E Shizuoka aftershock struck beneath Fuji's S flank above its magma system. Fujita and others (2013) selected parameters of the two highest magnitude Tohoko earthquakes from Ozawa et al. (2011) plus the E. Shizuoka earthquake to investigate the change below Fuji. Using seismic data and later modeling they found the change in static pressure below Fuji insufficient to cause an eruption.
The fault parameters of the Tohoko earthquakes (Table 3) were estimated by Ozawa and others (2011). With regard to the E Shizouka earthquake, Fujita and others (2013) determined the East Shizuoka source fault using the method of Ueda and others (2005) and "determined the best-fit fault model to be almost strike-slip with some reverse components, located a few kilometers south of the summit trending from depths of 7-12 km." Note that on table 3 the "Depth (top)" value of 7 km locates the top of the fault.
Table 3. Fault parameters computed for two of the strongest Tohoku earthquakes and the E Shizuoka aftershock. Tohoku parameters are from Ozawa and others (2011); those for the E Shizuoka were obtained by applying the method of Ueda and others (2005). Taken from Fujita and others (2013).
Parameters | Tohoku 1 | Tohoku 2 | East Shizuoka |
Latitude | 38.80°N | 37.33°N | 35.3161°N |
Longitude | 144.00°E | 142.80°E | 138.7130°E |
Depth (top), km | 5.1 | 17 | 7 |
Length, km | 186 | 194 | 6 |
Width, km | 129 | 88 | 8 |
Strike, degrees | 203 | 203 | 24 |
Dip, degrees | 16 | 15 | 80 |
Rake, degrees | 101 | 83 | 20 |
Dislocation, m | 24.7 | 6.1 | 0.86 |
Magnitude | 8.8 | 8.3 | 6.0 |
Figure 9 shows the distribution of hypocenters of both tectonic (blue) and DLP (red) earthquakes during 1996-2011. Tectonic earthquakes occurring during 1996-2011 (blue circles) cluster to the S at ~5-15 km depth and NE from ~17 km deep to below the 25 km scale limit with little temporal change in number until a detectable rate rise in early 2011. Hypocenters of DLFs occurring during 1996-2011 (red circles) cluster nearest the crater N at ~10-15 km depth with little temporal change in number until a detectable rate rise in early 2011. The largest event shown, the E Shizuoka tectonic earthquake (15 March 2011) occurred on the S flank of Mount Fuji at a depth of 12 km (table 3 lists the top of the fault at 7 km). Remote aftershocks were centered a few kilometers N of the summit. Taken from Fujita and others (2013).
The relocated hypocenters computed by Fujita and others (2013) compared to the hypocenters of the same events routinely obtained by NIED (Ukawa, 2001), showed improvement in location accuracy (figure 10). The hypocenters by NIED are distributed in a larger volume and not along a particular plane while in this study they are much more concentrated and trending NNE. As seen on figure FUJ 9, Fujita and others (2013) noted "The dislocation was 86 cm toward the NNE with a strike of 240, dip of 800, and rake of 200." Aftershocks of the E Shizouka earthquake also occurred along this fault."
The static stress change caused by the E Shizouka earthquake was on the order of 0.1-1 MPa, or 0.2%, at the boundary of the magma reservoir, which was theoretically sufficient to trigger an eruption (Walter and others 1997; Walter and others 2009).
The deformation of Fuji's magma system was based on finite-element modeling of the Japanese mainland and Fuji seismic tomography. At Fuji, the stress changes to the magma reservoir were on the order of 0.001-0.01 MPa for the Tohoku earthquake and 0.1-1 MPa for the East Shizuoka earthquake (Fujita and others, 2013). Were these static stress changes sufficient to promote new fractures at the magma reservoir wall and magma injection? Fujita and others, 2013 maintain, "This is less than the magnitude required to break new faults but could trigger some perturbation in unstable faults or in the hydrothermal and magmatic systems. However, the magma beneath Mount Fuji does not seem to have enough potential to erupt at this moment".
References. Fujita, E., Kozono, T., Ueda, H., Kohno, Y., Yoshioka, S., Toda, N., Kikuchi, A., and Ida, Y. 2013, Stress field change around the Mount Fuji volcano magma system caused by the Tohoku megathrust earthquake, Japan. Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(1), 1-14.
Koyama M., 2002, Mechanical coupling between volcanic unrests and large earthquakes: a review of examples and mechanics. J Geogr 111:222-232, in Japanese with English abstract.
Koyama M., 2007, Database of eruptions and other activities of Fuji Volcano, Japan, based on historical records since AD 781. Yamanashi Institute of Environmental Sciences, Fuji Volcano, pp 119- 136, in Japanese with English abstract.
Nakamichi H., Ukawa, M., Sakai S., 2004, Precise hypocenter locations of midcrustal low-frequency earthquakes beneath Mt. Fuji, Japan, Earth, Planets and Space, 56, e37-e4.
Nakamichi, H., Hamaguchi , H. Tanaka S., Ueki S., Nishimura T., Hasegawa A., 2003, Source mechanisms of deep and intermediate-depth low frequency earthquakes beneath Iwate volcano, northeastern Japan, Geophysical Journal International, 154, 811-828.
Nishimura T., Ozawa S., Murakami M., Sagiya T., Tada T., Kaidzu M., Ukawa M., 2001, Crustal deformation caused by magma migration in the northern Izu Islands, Japan. Geophysical Research Letters 28:3745-3748.
Ozawa S., Nishimura T., Suito H., Kobayashi T., Tobita M., Imakiire T., 2011, Coseismic and postseismic slip of the 2011 magnitude-9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Nature 475:373-377.
Ueda H., Fujita E., Ukawa M., Yamamoto E., Irawan M., Kimata F., 2005, Magma intrusion and discharge process at the initial stage of the 2000 activity of Miyakejima, Central Japan, inferred from tilt and GPS data. Geophysical Journal International 161:891-906.
Ukawa, M., 2005, Deep low-frequency earthquake swarm in the mid crust beneath Mount Fuji (Japan) in 2000 and 2001, Bulletin of Volcanology, 68 (2005), pp. 47-56.
Waldhauser, F. and W. L. Ellsworth, 2000, A double-difference earthquake location algorithm: Method and application to the northern Hayward fault, California, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 90, 1353-1368.
Walter T., 2007, How a tectonic earthquake may wake up volcanoes: stress transfer during the 1996 earthquake-eruption sequence at the Karymsky Volcanic Group, Kamchatka. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 264:347-359.
Walter T., Amelung F., 2007, Volcanic eruptions following M≥9 megathrust earthquakes: implications for the Sumatra-Andaman volcanoes. Geology 35:539-542.
Walter, T., Wang, R., Zimmer, M., Grosser, H., Luhr, B., and Ratdomopurubo, A., 2007, Volcanic activity influenced by tectonic earthquake: static and dynamic stress triggering at Mt. Merapi. Geophysical Research Letters 34:L05304.
Walter, T., Wang, R., Acocella, V., Neri, M., Grosser, H., and Zschau, J., 2009, Simultaneous magma and gas eruptions at three volcanoes in southern Italy: an earthquake trigger? Geology 37:251-254.
Information Contacts: National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED), 3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 305, Japan (URL:; Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Volcanological Division, 1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (URL:; Volcano Research Center, Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan (URL:
Based on information from JMA, VRC reported that 67 earthquakes occurred at Mt. Fuji on 30 April, which was the highest number since 53 earthquakes occurred on 18 December 2000. Activity had been relatively low since January 2001. During 3-9 May ~130 predominately low-frequency earthquakes occurred that were located ~15 km beneath an area just NE of the volcano's summit. No other anomalous volcanic activity was observed by NIED.
Source: Volcano Research Center-Earthquake Research Institute (University of Tokyo)
According to a Reuters article from 29 January, the high number of low-frequency earthquakes that were recorded at Fuji over the past several months (133 in October, 222 in November, and 144 in December) decreased to 36 in January.
Source: Reuters
Several news reports have noted abnormally high earthquake activity during the past several months at Fuji. Usually 1 to 2 low-frequency earthquakes per month are recorded; but recent monthly counts were 35 for September 2000, 133 for October, 222 for November, and 143 for December. No other measured parameters changed at the volcano. While the earthquake counts are abnormally high, scientists do not believe that they are indicative of an imminent eruption. The volcano is being carefully monitored.
Sources: New York Times; New York Times
Reports are organized chronologically and indexed below by Month/Year (Publication Volume:Number), and include a one-line summary. Click on the index link or scroll down to read the reports.
Earthquake swarm below summit probably tectonic
About nine small earthquakes of M < 2 occurred beneath the summit 20 August-1 September. Four were felt at intensities of I-III (JMA scale) by personnel at the summit meteorological observatory, but were not felt at the weather station 19 km ESE of the summit. Seismographs confirmed that the earthquakes originated just underneath the summit. JMA installed a portable seismograph at the summit on 25 August. The strongest earthquake, on 20 August at 0556, had a magnitude of 1.8 (table 1). No signs of wall collapse or landslides were observed by a field survey group around the summit that day. Earthquakes on 20 and 24 August were recorded by the Univ of Tokyo's Earthquake Research Institute seismographs within 20 km of the summit.
Table 1. Earthquakes at Mt. Fuji, 20 August-1 September 1987.
Date | Time | Magnitude | Notes |
20 Aug 1987 | 0556 | 1.8 | felt at summit |
23 Aug 1987 | approx. 0100 | not recorded | felt at summit |
24 Aug 1987 | 0630 | 1.4 | felt at summit |
27 Aug 1987 | 0624 | less than 1 | -- |
27 Aug 1987 | 0626 | less than 1 | felt at summit |
28 Aug 1987 | 1355 | less than 1 | -- |
29 Aug 1987 | 1951 | less than 1 | -- |
01 Sep 1987 | 2335 | less than 1 | -- |
Small earthquakes are not rare at Fuji, but because the earthquakes occurred in the summit region during the height of the climbing season, there was some concern among government officials. However, the relatively sharp P-wave arrivals suggest that the earthquakes were tectonic in origin.
Information Contacts: Yoshiaki Ida and Harry Glicken, Earthquake Research Institute, Univ of Tokyo; JMA.
Low-frequency earthquake swarm
On 20, 24, 25, and 30 January about a dozen low-frequency earthquakes were recorded.
Information Contacts: Volcanological Division, Japan Meteorological Agency, 1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
September 2000-January 2001 swarm includes less than or equal to M 2.2 earthquakes but lacks geodetic changes
According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), a relatively large number of low-frequency, low-magnitude earthquakes have occurred at ~15 km depth below Fuji volcano since September 2000 (table 2, figure 1). For comparison, during recent years before this spike, the number of earthquakes had averaged only 1-2 per month. The maximum earthquake magnitude during September 2000-January 2001 was M 2.2, recorded on 11 October. During November-December earthquakes with M > 2.0 occurred 7 times. Earthquake hypocenters were generally located below an area NE of the summit. Geodetic parameters measured by GPS, EDM, and tilt-meters did not escalate. Located 150 km W of Tokyo, Fuji's close proximity encouraged the installation of enhanced instrumentation in order to better monitor the volcano. Previous seismic swarms at Fuji in 1987 and 1996 (SEAN 12:08 and BGVN 21:02) had lower event counts than the current episode.
Table 2. Seismic events registered at Fuji during September 2000-January 2001. Data courtesy of JMA and Reuters.
Month | Seismic Events |
Sep 2000 | 35 |
Oct 2000 | 133 |
Nov 2000 | 222 |
Dec 2000 | 144 |
Jan 2001 | 36 |
Information Contacts: National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, 3-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 305, Japan (URL:; Setsuya Nakada, Hidefumi Watanabe, and Shin-ichi Sakai, Volcano Research Center, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan (URL:; Japan Meteorological Agency, Volcanological Division, 1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (URL:; Reuters (URL:
April-May 2001 earthquakes located at 15 km depth NE of the summit
Earthquakes increased at Fuji during April-May 2001. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency 67 earthquakes were detected on 30 April. This was the highest daily number since the 53 that occurred on 18 December 2000, even though seismic activity had been relatively low since the beginning of the year. During the week of 3-9 May 2001 the number of weekly earthquakes was as high as 130. Since September 2000 most of the earthquakes were of low magnitude and low frequency. Their hypocenters were NE of the summit at ~15 km depth. The monitoring system of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention had not detected any other anomalous signs.
Information Contacts: National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, 3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 305, Japan (URL:; Setsuya Nakada, Hidefumi Watanabe, and Shin-ichi Sakai, Volcano Research Center, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan (URL:; Japan Meteorological Agency, Volcanological Division, 1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (URL:
2000-2001 epicenter migration; deep magma; 2011 M 6 aftershock at volcano
Fuji remains non-eruptive. Fujita and others (2013) investigate the likelihood that Fuji may erupt due to the 2011 E Shizuoka earthquake (M 6) centered on the volcano. Our previous reports of February 2001 (BGVN 26:02) and September 2001 (BGVN 26:09) described the 2000-2001 deep low-frequency (DLF) earthquake swarm under Fuji. In the first section below, we summarize work by Ukawa (2005) and Nakashimi and others (2004) who provide further details and analysis of DLF swarm activity, and discuss midcrustal, low-frequency earthquakes (MLFs) recorded during 1998-2003. Discussion in those papers noted likely molten material at depth below the volcano.
The next section reports the stress-field and pressure changes to Fuji's magmatic system due to the 11 March 2011 Tohoko megathrust, an MW 9 earthquake, which created the tsunami that devastated parts of costal NE Honshu including the Fukushima nuclear power plant. In addition, an MW 5.9 aftershock was centered below Fuji. Fujita and others (2013) assessed the possibility that the stress-field and pressure changes could enable magma to escape to the surface. Although they concluded that preexisting faults could rupture the chamber walls, the changes were seemingly insufficient to do so, suggesting no eruption was imminent.
Background. During the early 1980s, the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) installed the Kanto-Tokai seismic network in central Japan (figure 2). Later refinements included adding stations SSN and SHJ (not shown), and in the 1990s, stations, FJN, FJY, FJS and FJH, each with three component seismometers and two component tiltmeters at the bottom of 200-m-deep boreholes. In April 1995, Mt Fuji seismic data recording began using the constellation of stations.
The Fuji DLF earthquake epicenters were located using 1987 to 2001 data from the early 1980 Kanto-Tokai seismic network and later data taken at the four Fuji stations installed in 1990 (figure 3). Nakamichi and others (2005) reexamined epicenter locations of Ukawa (2004). JMA updated safety and evacuation plans.
DLFs during 2000-2001. Ukawa (2005) examined the 2000-2001 DLF swarm beneath Fuji. The typical activity here since the early 1980s was 10-20 earthquakes a year at midcrustal depth described as burst-like activity lasting from several minutes to 30 minutes.
The cumulative occurrence of DLF earthquakes their associated cumulative wave energy are plotted in figure FUJ2. The cumulative number rate, or the slope of the curve, is almost constant between 1980-1995, followed by several small slope changes before the later months of 2000 due to the improvements in the seismic network and the new data processing system. The sharp increase in 2000-2001 is far larger than the increase due to the enlarged seismic network. In total, 286 events were identified during the eight months from October 2000 to May 2001. The wave energy increased to approximately twice the average recorded during the prior years.
Regarding Fuji, Ukawa (2005) notes, "On the basis of the DLF earthquake observations by the NIED seismic network, we investigated the temporal change of their occurrence rate from 1980 to 2003 and the hypocenter locations from 1987 to May 2001. The occurrence rate and the seismic wave energy release rate show an abrupt increase from October 2000 to May 2001, suggesting a change in the environment. ...Relocation of hypocenters of the DLF earthquakes indicates that hypocenters of the DLF earthquakes cluster mainly in an elongated region measuring 5 km along the long axis in a NW-SE direction, the center of which is located about 3 km NE from the summit. In addition to the main cluster, hypocenters extend to the southwest from the summit. During the swarm activity in 2000 to 2001, activity in the primary hypocenter region on the northeastern side of Mount Fuji increased greatly. The focal depths of well located DLF events range from 10 to 20 km. The sharp increase of DLF earthquake activity at Mount Fuji began soon after magma discharge and intrusion events in the Miyake-jima and Kozu-shima region in July and August 2000. These events may have modified the state of the deep magmatic system beneath Mount Fuji, thus triggering the DLF earthquake swarm."
Figure 4 shows the three volcanoes mentioned above: Fuji, Miyake-jima, and Kozu-shima. Several more volcanoes also of Holocene age did not erupt.
MLF earthquakes during 1998-2003. Nakamichi and others (2004) revisited Fuji MLF data, that like the DLFs of 2000-2001, they also clustered near the summit. "We have determined the hypocenter locations of MLFs using the hypoDD program [a double-difference algorithm; Waldhauser and Ellsworth, 2000] and repicked arrival times from the seismic networks of ERI, JMA and NIED in and around Mt. Fuji between 1998 and 2003 including the active periods from September 2000 to May 2001, [figure 5]".
The authors summarized their results as follows: "(1) Hypocenters of MLFs define an ellipsoidal volume, 5 km in diameter ranging from 11 to 16 km in focal depth. (2) This volume is centered at 3 km NE of the summit and its long axis is trending NW. This orientation coincides with the major axis of tectonic compression around Mt. Fuji. (3) The center of the MLF epicenters migrated upward and 2-3 km from SE to NW in 1998-2001."
Nakamichi and others, (2004) continue, "We interpret that the hypocentral migration of MLFs reflects magma movement associated with a NW-SE oriented dike beneath Mt. Fuji, figure 6. The relative error ranges of the hypocenters relocated here are from 100 to 500 m horizontally and from 200 to 700 m vertically. No elongated structure in the direction of the observed NW- SE strike is observed in the simulations, indicating that the observed strike is not an artifact of the relocation procedure [seen in Figure 6b along the plane A-A']. The extent of this depth range is also supported by the spread in S-P readings for individual earthquakes. S-P arrival time differences for well-recorded MLFs at station KMR range from 1.9 to 2.4 s, verifying that MLFs beneath Mt. Fuji span a depth range of at least 4 km, and are not confined to a very small volume."
The MLFs also shifted with time. The spatial and temporal variations of MLF hypocenters plotted on figure 7. Nakamichi and others (2004) observed focal depths of MLFs in 1998- 1999 that were 12-16 km deep and "seemed to move deeper gradually."
Two key points from Nakamichi and others (2004) were (1) the MLF processing indicated that the hypocenters migrated 2-3 km upward during 1998-2001, and (2) they interpreted the MLF hypocenter migration as reflecting magma movement associated with a NW-trending dike beneath Fuji.
2011 Fuji stress change after the MW 9 Tohoko earthquake. Fujita and others (2013) studied the Tohoko earthquake and aftershocks in order to see whether the changes in the stress field and pressure changes would cause the known active magma system to erupt. The Tohoku earthquake, MW~9, struck on 11 Mar 2011. Extension occurred over a wide region of the Japanese mainland (Fujita and others, 2013). Aftershocks included those at N Nagano (MW 6.3) on 12 March, at E Shizoka (MW 5.9) on 15 March, and at N Ibaraki (MW 5.8) on 19 March, figure 8. The E Shizuoka aftershock struck beneath Fuji's S flank above its magma system. Fujita and others (2013) selected parameters of the two highest magnitude Tohoko earthquakes from Ozawa et al. (2011) plus the E. Shizuoka earthquake to investigate the change below Fuji. Using seismic data and later modeling they found the change in static pressure below Fuji insufficient to cause an eruption.
The fault parameters of the Tohoko earthquakes (Table 3) were estimated by Ozawa and others (2011). With regard to the E Shizouka earthquake, Fujita and others (2013) determined the East Shizuoka source fault using the method of Ueda and others (2005) and "determined the best-fit fault model to be almost strike-slip with some reverse components, located a few kilometers south of the summit trending from depths of 7-12 km." Note that on table 3 the "Depth (top)" value of 7 km locates the top of the fault.
Table 3. Fault parameters computed for two of the strongest Tohoku earthquakes and the E Shizuoka aftershock. Tohoku parameters are from Ozawa and others (2011); those for the E Shizuoka were obtained by applying the method of Ueda and others (2005). Taken from Fujita and others (2013).
Parameters | Tohoku 1 | Tohoku 2 | East Shizuoka |
Latitude | 38.80°N | 37.33°N | 35.3161°N |
Longitude | 144.00°E | 142.80°E | 138.7130°E |
Depth (top), km | 5.1 | 17 | 7 |
Length, km | 186 | 194 | 6 |
Width, km | 129 | 88 | 8 |
Strike, degrees | 203 | 203 | 24 |
Dip, degrees | 16 | 15 | 80 |
Rake, degrees | 101 | 83 | 20 |
Dislocation, m | 24.7 | 6.1 | 0.86 |
Magnitude | 8.8 | 8.3 | 6.0 |
Figure 9 shows the distribution of hypocenters of both tectonic (blue) and DLP (red) earthquakes during 1996-2011. Tectonic earthquakes occurring during 1996-2011 (blue circles) cluster to the S at ~5-15 km depth and NE from ~17 km deep to below the 25 km scale limit with little temporal change in number until a detectable rate rise in early 2011. Hypocenters of DLFs occurring during 1996-2011 (red circles) cluster nearest the crater N at ~10-15 km depth with little temporal change in number until a detectable rate rise in early 2011. The largest event shown, the E Shizuoka tectonic earthquake (15 March 2011) occurred on the S flank of Mount Fuji at a depth of 12 km (table 3 lists the top of the fault at 7 km). Remote aftershocks were centered a few kilometers N of the summit. Taken from Fujita and others (2013).
The relocated hypocenters computed by Fujita and others (2013) compared to the hypocenters of the same events routinely obtained by NIED (Ukawa, 2001), showed improvement in location accuracy (figure 10). The hypocenters by NIED are distributed in a larger volume and not along a particular plane while in this study they are much more concentrated and trending NNE. As seen on figure FUJ 9, Fujita and others (2013) noted "The dislocation was 86 cm toward the NNE with a strike of 240, dip of 800, and rake of 200." Aftershocks of the E Shizouka earthquake also occurred along this fault."
The static stress change caused by the E Shizouka earthquake was on the order of 0.1-1 MPa, or 0.2%, at the boundary of the magma reservoir, which was theoretically sufficient to trigger an eruption (Walter and others 1997; Walter and others 2009).
The deformation of Fuji's magma system was based on finite-element modeling of the Japanese mainland and Fuji seismic tomography. At Fuji, the stress changes to the magma reservoir were on the order of 0.001-0.01 MPa for the Tohoku earthquake and 0.1-1 MPa for the East Shizuoka earthquake (Fujita and others, 2013). Were these static stress changes sufficient to promote new fractures at the magma reservoir wall and magma injection? Fujita and others, 2013 maintain, "This is less than the magnitude required to break new faults but could trigger some perturbation in unstable faults or in the hydrothermal and magmatic systems. However, the magma beneath Mount Fuji does not seem to have enough potential to erupt at this moment".
References. Fujita, E., Kozono, T., Ueda, H., Kohno, Y., Yoshioka, S., Toda, N., Kikuchi, A., and Ida, Y. 2013, Stress field change around the Mount Fuji volcano magma system caused by the Tohoku megathrust earthquake, Japan. Bulletin of Volcanology, 75(1), 1-14.
Koyama M., 2002, Mechanical coupling between volcanic unrests and large earthquakes: a review of examples and mechanics. J Geogr 111:222-232, in Japanese with English abstract.
Koyama M., 2007, Database of eruptions and other activities of Fuji Volcano, Japan, based on historical records since AD 781. Yamanashi Institute of Environmental Sciences, Fuji Volcano, pp 119- 136, in Japanese with English abstract.
Nakamichi H., Ukawa, M., Sakai S., 2004, Precise hypocenter locations of midcrustal low-frequency earthquakes beneath Mt. Fuji, Japan, Earth, Planets and Space, 56, e37-e4.
Nakamichi, H., Hamaguchi , H. Tanaka S., Ueki S., Nishimura T., Hasegawa A., 2003, Source mechanisms of deep and intermediate-depth low frequency earthquakes beneath Iwate volcano, northeastern Japan, Geophysical Journal International, 154, 811-828.
Nishimura T., Ozawa S., Murakami M., Sagiya T., Tada T., Kaidzu M., Ukawa M., 2001, Crustal deformation caused by magma migration in the northern Izu Islands, Japan. Geophysical Research Letters 28:3745-3748.
Ozawa S., Nishimura T., Suito H., Kobayashi T., Tobita M., Imakiire T., 2011, Coseismic and postseismic slip of the 2011 magnitude-9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Nature 475:373-377.
Ueda H., Fujita E., Ukawa M., Yamamoto E., Irawan M., Kimata F., 2005, Magma intrusion and discharge process at the initial stage of the 2000 activity of Miyakejima, Central Japan, inferred from tilt and GPS data. Geophysical Journal International 161:891-906.
Ukawa, M., 2005, Deep low-frequency earthquake swarm in the mid crust beneath Mount Fuji (Japan) in 2000 and 2001, Bulletin of Volcanology, 68 (2005), pp. 47-56.
Waldhauser, F. and W. L. Ellsworth, 2000, A double-difference earthquake location algorithm: Method and application to the northern Hayward fault, California, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 90, 1353-1368.
Walter T., 2007, How a tectonic earthquake may wake up volcanoes: stress transfer during the 1996 earthquake-eruption sequence at the Karymsky Volcanic Group, Kamchatka. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 264:347-359.
Walter T., Amelung F., 2007, Volcanic eruptions following M≥9 megathrust earthquakes: implications for the Sumatra-Andaman volcanoes. Geology 35:539-542.
Walter, T., Wang, R., Zimmer, M., Grosser, H., Luhr, B., and Ratdomopurubo, A., 2007, Volcanic activity influenced by tectonic earthquake: static and dynamic stress triggering at Mt. Merapi. Geophysical Research Letters 34:L05304.
Walter, T., Wang, R., Acocella, V., Neri, M., Grosser, H., and Zschau, J., 2009, Simultaneous magma and gas eruptions at three volcanoes in southern Italy: an earthquake trigger? Geology 37:251-254.
Information Contacts: National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED), 3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 305, Japan (URL:; Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Volcanological Division, 1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (URL:; Volcano Research Center, Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan (URL:
This compilation of synonyms and subsidiary features may not be comprehensive. Features are organized into four major categories: Cones, Craters, Domes, and Thermal Features. Synonyms of features appear indented below the primary name. In some cases additional feature type, elevation, or location details are provided.
Synonyms |
Fuji-san | Huzi | Fujiga-dake | Khutsi | Narusawatakane | Tokiwa-yama | Hatachi-yama | Chiri-yama | Mie-yama | Nii-yama | Midashi-yama | Mikami-yama | Kamiji-yama | Hagoromo-yama | Otomeko-yama | Azuma-yama | Kuninofuka-yama | Torinoko-yama | Fuyoga-mine | Hachiyo-take | Wago-zan | Mikage-san | Eigo-zan | Sennin-zan | Shichiho-yama | Taketori-yama | Yoro-yama | Koinaka-yama | Myoko-san | Fukukazeana-yama | Takashi-yama | Tokishirazu-yama | Shikinonaru-yama | Fuji | ||||
Cones |
Feature Name | Feature Type | Elevation | Latitude | Longitude |
Akatsuka | Cone | 1371 m | 35° 19' 0.00" N | 138° 48' 0.00" E |
Asakizuka | Cone | 1580 m | 35° 18' 0.00" N | 138° 47' 0.00" E |
Futago-yama | Cone | 806 m | 35° 18' 0.00" N | 138° 40' 0.00" E |
Futatsu-yama | Cone | 1492 m | 35° 24' 0.00" N | 138° 40' 0.00" E |
Futatsuzuka | Cone | 1920 m | 35° 20' 0.00" N | 138° 47' 0.00" E |
Gan-ana | Vent | 1000 m | 35° 27' 0.00" N | 138° 48' 0.00" E |
Hakken-yama | Cone | 1740 m | 35° 24' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E |
Hakudairyuo | Cone | 35° 25' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E | |
Higashi-Tsurugi | Cone | 1620 m | 35° 25' 0.00" N | 138° 43' 0.00" E |
Higashi-Usuzuka | Cone | 1454 m | 35° 18' 0.00" N | 138° 47' 0.00" E |
Hinokizuka | Cone | 1390 m | 35° 19' 0.00" N | 138° 42' 0.00" E |
Hiratsuka | Cone | 1099 m | 35° 17' 0.00" N | 138° 48' 0.00" E |
Igatono-yama | Cone | 35° 26' 0.00" N | 138° 42' 0.00" E | |
Inusuzumi-yama | Cone | 1206 m | 35° 23' 0.00" N | 138° 39' 0.00" E |
Jirou-Uemontsuka | Cone | 1343 m | 35° 19' 0.00" N | 138° 18' 29.00" E |
Kansu-yama | Cone | 1306 m | 35° 17' 0.00" N | 138° 47' 0.00" E |
Katabuta-yama N | Cone | 1468 m | 35° 25' 0.00" N | 138° 40' 0.00" E |
Katabuta-yama S | Cone | 1488 m | 35° 18' 0.00" N | 138° 47' 0.00" E |
Kita-Kansu-yama | Cone | 1240 m | 35° 17' 0.00" N | 138° 47' 0.00" E |
Kita-Kori-ike | Vent | 1440 m | 35° 25' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E |
Ko-Fuji | Stratovolcano | 2702 m | 35° 20' 0.00" N | 138° 45' 0.00" E |
Komitake | Stratovolcano | 2300 m | 35° 24' 0.00" N | 138° 44' 0.00" E |
Koriana | Vent | 1440 m | 35° 26' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E |
Kori-ike | Vent | 1460 m | 35° 25' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E |
Kosekumaru | Cone | 1894 m | 35° 24' 0.00" N | 138° 42' 0.00" E |
Koshikirizuka | Cone | 1480 m | 35° 18' 0.00" N | 138° 47' 0.00" E |
Kurotsuka | Cone | 1260 m | 35° 17' 0.00" N | 138° 47' 0.00" E |
Maru-yama | Cone | 1720 m | 35° 24' 0.00" N | 138° 44' 0.00" E |
Menmarubi | Vent | 2750 m | 35° 23' 0.00" N | 138° 44' 0.00" E |
Myoga-take | Cone | 1754 m | 35° 19' 0.00" N | 138° 43' 0.00" E |
Nagao-yama | Cone | 1424 m | 35° 26' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E |
Naga-yama | Cone | 1580 m | 35° 23' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E |
Nishi-Asakizuka | Cone | 1408 m | 35° 18' 0.00" N | 138° 44' 0.00" E |
Nishi-Futatsusuka | Cone | 1900 m | 35° 19' 0.00" N | 138° 46' 0.00" E |
Nishi-Kosekumaru | Cone | 35° 24' 0.00" N | 138° 42' 0.00" E | |
Nishi-Kurotsuka | Cone | 1480 m | 35° 18' 0.00" N | 138° 47' 0.00" E |
Nishi-Okuniwa | Cone | 35° 23' 0.00" N | 138° 42' 0.00" E | |
Nishi-Tsurugi | Cone | 1580 m | 35° 25' 0.00" N | 138° 42' 0.00" E |
Nishi-Usuzuka | Cone | 1290 m | 35° 18' 0.00" N | 138° 43' 0.00" E |
Ohira-yama | Cone | 1980 m | 35° 24' 0.00" N | 138° 43' 0.00" E |
Omuro-yama | Cone | 1447 m | 35° 26' 0.00" N | 138° 39' 0.00" E |
Onagaremaru-yama | Cone | 35° 24' 0.00" N | 138° 44' 0.00" E | |
Oniwa-Okuniwa | Cone | 2180 m | 35° 23' 0.00" N | 138° 42' 0.00" E |
Sajiki-yama | Cone | 1790 m | 35° 24' 0.00" N | 138° 42' 0.00" E |
Sawara-yama | Cone | 1630 m | 35° 24' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E |
Shikanokashira | Cone | 1340 m | 35° 25' 0.00" N | 138° 40' 0.00" E |
Shin-Fuji | Stratovolcano | 3776 m | 35° 21' 27.00" N | 138° 43' 50.00" E |
Shirotsuka | Cone | 1400 m | 35° 19' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E |
Takahachi-yama | Cone | 1649 m | 35° 19' 0.00" N | 138° 44' 0.00" E |
Taka-yama | Cone | 1682 m | 35° 19' 0.00" N | 138° 45' 0.00" E |
Tenjin-yama | Cone | 1480 m | 35° 26' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E |
Toyatsuka | Cone | 1600 m | 35° 22' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" N |
Tsugao-yama | Cone | 1320 m | 35° 26' 0.00" N | 138° 40' 0.00" E |
Ushigakubo | Vent | 3300 m | 35° 22' 0.00" N | 138° 44' 0.00" E |
Usu-yama | Cone | 1680 m | 35° 25' 0.00" N | 138° 40' 0.00" E |
Yumi-Itsuka | Cone | 1566 m | 35° 25' 0.00" N | 138° 41' 0.00" E |
Craters |
Feature Name | Feature Type | Elevation | Latitude | Longitude |
Hoei Craters | Crater | 2300 m | 35° 20' 0.00" N | 138° 45' 0.00" E |
Kudari-yama | Fissure vent | |||
Nishi Kofuji | Fissure vent | |||
Obuchi | Crater | 1000 m | 35° 16' 0.00" N | 138° 45' 0.00" E |
There is data available for 58 confirmed Holocene eruptive periods.
[ 1854 Dec 23 - 1855 Jan 9 ] Uncertain Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | |||||||||||||||
1854 Dec 23 - 1855 Jan 9 | Evidence from Unknown | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1
[ 1770 Sep 16 ] Uncertain Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | South flank? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1770 Sep 16 - Unknown | Evidence from Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at South flank?
[ 1708 Dec - 1709 Jan 16 (?) ] Uncertain Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | |||||||||||||||
1708 Dec - 1709 Jan 16 (?) | Evidence from Unknown | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1
1707 Dec 16 - 1708 Feb 24 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 5
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | SE flank (Hoei Craters) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1707 Dec 16 - 1708 Feb 24 (?) | Evidence from Observations: Reported | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 14 Events for Episode 1 at SE flank (Hoei Craters)
1700 Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2 (?)
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | |||||||||||||||
1700 - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1
[ 1627 ] Uncertain Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | ||||
1627 - Unknown | Evidence from Unknown |
[ 1560 Jan 4 ] Uncertain Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | |||||||||||||||
1560 Jan 4 - Unknown | Evidence from Unknown | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1
1511 Sep 1 ± 30 days Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2 (?)
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | ||||||||||||||||||||
1511 Sep 1 ± 30 days - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1
1435 Dec 31 ± 60 days Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2 (?)
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | North flank (Onagare lava?) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1435 Dec 31 ± 60 days - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at North flank (Onagare lava?)
[ 1427 Jun 28 ] Uncertain Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | |||||||||||||||
1427 Jun 28 - Unknown | Evidence from Unknown | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1
1083 Apr 17 Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2 (?)
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | |||||||||||||||
1083 Apr 17 - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1
1033 Jan 19 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Summit, SSE flank (Nishi-Asakizuka) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1033 Jan 19 (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at Summit, SSE flank (Nishi-Asakizuka)
[ 1017 Oct 1 ± 30 days ] Uncertain Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | North flank | |||
1017 Oct 1 ± 30 days - Unknown | Evidence from Unknown |
0999 Mar Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2 (?)
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | South flank ? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0999 Mar - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at South flank ?
[ 0993 Sep 1 ± 30 days ] Uncertain Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | |||||||||||||||
0993 Sep 1 ± 30 days - Unknown | Evidence from Unknown | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1
[ 0952 Mar (?) ] Uncertain Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NE flank | |||
0952 Mar (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Unknown |
0937 Dec 18 Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | North flank (Kenmarubi II?) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0937 Dec 18 - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at North flank (Kenmarubi II?)
0932 Nov 19 Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2 (?)
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | North flank (Kenmarubi I) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0932 Nov 19 - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at North flank (Kenmarubi I)
0870 Aug Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2 (?)
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | ||||||||||||||||||||
0870 Aug - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1
0864 Jun 12 (?) - 0866 Feb 1 ± 30 days Confirmed Eruption VEI: 3
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NW flank (Nagao-yama, Kudari-yama) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0864 Jun 12 (?) - 0866 Feb 1 ± 30 days | Evidence from Observations: Reported | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 7 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank (Nagao-yama, Kudari-yama)
0830 Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NW flank (Koriana) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0830 - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank (Koriana)
0826 Dec 31 ± 30 days Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2 (?)
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | ||||||||||||||||||||
0826 Dec 31 ± 30 days - Unknown | Evidence from Observations: Reported | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1
0800 Apr 11 - 0802 Feb 6 (in or after) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 4
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Summit, NE and NW flanks (Tenjin-yama) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0800 Apr 11 - 0802 Feb 6 (in or after) | Evidence from Observations: Reported | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 6 Events for Episode 1 at Summit, NE and NW flanks (Tenjin-yama)
0781 Jul - 0781 Jul Confirmed Eruption VEI: 3
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
0781 Jul - 0781 Jul | Evidence from Observations: Reported | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1
0720 ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NW flank (Kori-ike, Hakudairyuo) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0720 ± 100 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank (Kori-ike, Hakudairyuo)
0530 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 3
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | South flank (Takabachi) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0530 (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at South flank (Takabachi)
0520 ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | SE flank (Makuiwa, Nishi-Futatsuzuka) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0520 ± 100 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at SE flank (Makuiwa, Nishi-Futatsuzuka)
0470 ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption VEI: 3 (?)
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | SE flank (Kita-Kansu-yama) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0470 ± 100 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at SE flank (Kita-Kansu-yama)
0400 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | SE flank (Akatsuka) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0400 (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at SE flank (Akatsuka)
0370 ± 200 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | SSE flank (Obuchi Craters) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0370 ± 200 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at SSE flank (Obuchi Craters)
0350 ± 300 years Confirmed Eruption VEI: 3
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | SE flank (Kurotsuka) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0350 ± 300 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at SE flank (Kurotsuka)
0300 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 1
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NW flank (Oniwa-Okuniwa) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0300 (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank (Oniwa-Okuniwa)
0250 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NW flank (Kita-Koriike) | |||||||||||||||||||
0250 (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank (Kita-Koriike)
0240 ± 150 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | SE flank, Tephra layer S-24-2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0240 ± 150 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at SE flank, Tephra layer S-24-2
0220 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NE flank (Hinokimarubi lava flow) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0220 (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at NE flank (Hinokimarubi lava flow)
0200 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NW flank (Sajiki-yama) | |||||||||||||||||||
0200 (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank (Sajiki-yama)
0100 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NW flank (Ohira-yama) | |||||||||||||||||||
0100 (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank (Ohira-yama)
0050 (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 2
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NW flank (Futatsuzuka) | |||||||||||||||||||
0050 (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank (Futatsuzuka)
0100 BCE ± 150 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | South flank | |||||||||||||||||||
0100 BCE ± 150 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at South flank
0190 BCE ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer Yu-2 | |||||||||||||||||||
0190 BCE ± 100 years - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer Yu-2
0520 BCE ± 300 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer S-18 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0520 BCE ± 300 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer S-18
0780 BCE ± 500 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer SPY4 | |||||||||||||||||||
0780 BCE ± 500 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated) | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer SPY4
0930 BCE (after) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 5
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Upper SE flank, Tephra layer Zu | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
0930 BCE (after) - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at Upper SE flank, Tephra layer Zu
1010 BCE ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra unit SYP3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1010 BCE ± 100 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 5 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra unit SYP3
1030 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 4
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | NW flank (Omuro-yama) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1030 BCE (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 4 Events for Episode 1 at NW flank (Omuro-yama)
1300 BCE ± 150 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra unit SYP2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1300 BCE ± 150 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 5 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra unit SYP2
1350 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption VEI: 5
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer Os | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1350 BCE (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer Os
1450 BCE ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer S-10 | |||||||||||||||||||
1450 BCE ± 100 years - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer S-10
1510 BCE ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra unit SYP1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1510 BCE ± 100 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (calibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 5 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra unit SYP1
1850 BCE ± 150 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1850 BCE ± 150 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of 3 Events for Episode 1
2050 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | ||||||||||||||||||||
2050 BCE (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1
2450 BCE ± 500 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer SNG | ||||||||||||||
2450 BCE ± 500 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer SNG
2550 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Nihon-Land lava flow | ||||||||||||||
2550 BCE (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Nihon-Land lava flow
2800 BCE ± 300 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer S-6 | |||||||||||||||||||
2800 BCE ± 300 years - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer S-6
3050 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer S-5 | |||||||||||||||||||
3050 BCE (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | |||||||||||||||||||
List of 2 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer S-5
3690 BCE ± 100 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | |||||||||||||||
3690 BCE ± 100 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1
4120 BCE ± 300 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer S-0-6 | ||||||||||||||
4120 BCE ± 300 years - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer S-0-6
4730 BCE ± 500 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer S-0-5 | ||||||||||||||
4730 BCE ± 500 years - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer S-0-5
5070 BCE ± 200 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer I-7 | ||||||||||||||
5070 BCE ± 200 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer I-7
5540 BCE ± 200 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer S-0-4 | ||||||||||||||
5540 BCE ± 200 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer S-0-4
6050 BCE (?) Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Nashigahara lava flow | ||||||||||||||
6050 BCE (?) - Unknown | Evidence from Correlation: Tephrochronology | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Nashigahara lava flow
6240 BCE ± 300 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer S-0-3 | ||||||||||||||
6240 BCE ± 300 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer S-0-3
6580 BCE (in or before) Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Saruhashi and Shiraito lava flows | ||||||||||||||
6580 BCE (in or before) - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Saruhashi and Shiraito lava flows
7310 BCE ± 500 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Motomura-yama lava flow | ||||||||||||||
7310 BCE ± 500 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Motomura-yama lava flow
7530 BCE ± 300 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer S-0-2 | ||||||||||||||
7530 BCE ± 300 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer S-0-2
7820 BCE ± 200 years Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | Tephra layer S-0-1 | ||||||||||||||
7820 BCE ± 200 years - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at Tephra layer S-0-1
8540 BCE (after) Confirmed Eruption
Episode 1 | Eruption (Explosive / Effusive) | South flank? (Mishima) | ||||||||||||||
8540 BCE (after) - Unknown | Evidence from Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated) | ||||||||||||||
List of 1 Events for Episode 1 at South flank? (Mishima)
There is no Deformation History data available for Fujisan.
There is no Emissions History data available for Fujisan.
Maps are not currently available due to technical issues.
The following 28 samples associated with this volcano can be found in the Smithsonian's NMNH Department of Mineral Sciences collections, and may be availble for research (contact the Rock and Ore Collections Manager). Catalog number links will open a window with more information.
Catalog Number | Sample Description | Lava Source | Collection Date |
NMNH 101487 | Unidentified | -- | -- |
NMNH 101488 | Unidentified | -- | -- |
NMNH 101489 | Unidentified | -- | -- |
NMNH 101490 | Unidentified | -- | -- |
NMNH 108968 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 108970 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 112891 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 112891 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 112892 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 112892 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 112893 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 112893 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 112894 | Andesite | -- | -- |
NMNH 112894 | Andesite | -- | -- |
NMNH 112895 | Dacitic Pumice | -- | -- |
NMNH 112895 | Dacitic Pumice | -- | -- |
NMNH 112896 | Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 112896 | Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 112897 | Olivine Basalt | AOKIGAHARA LAVA | -- |
NMNH 112897 | Olivine Basalt | AOKIGAHARA LAVA | -- |
NMNH 113052 | High-Alumina Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 113052 | High-Alumina Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 113870 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 113871 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 113872-1 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 113872-2 | Olivine Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 61761 | Basalt | -- | -- |
NMNH 92394 | Lava | -- | -- |
Copernicus Browser | The Copernicus Browser replaced the Sentinel Hub Playground browser in 2023, to provide access to Earth observation archives from the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, the main distribution platform for data from the EU Copernicus missions. |
MIROVA | Middle InfraRed Observation of Volcanic Activity (MIROVA) is a near real time volcanic hot-spot detection system based on the analysis of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data. In particular, MIROVA uses the Middle InfraRed Radiation (MIR), measured over target volcanoes, in order to detect, locate and measure the heat radiation sourced from volcanic activity. |
MODVOLC Thermal Alerts | Using infrared satellite Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, scientists at the Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawai'i, developed an automated system called MODVOLC to map thermal hot-spots in near real time. For each MODIS image, the algorithm automatically scans each 1 km pixel within it to check for high-temperature hot-spots. When one is found the date, time, location, and intensity are recorded. MODIS looks at every square km of the Earth every 48 hours, once during the day and once during the night, and the presence of two MODIS sensors in space allows at least four hot-spot observations every two days. Each day updated global maps are compiled to display the locations of all hot spots detected in the previous 24 hours. There is a drop-down list with volcano names which allow users to 'zoom-in' and examine the distribution of hot-spots at a variety of spatial scales. |
Single Volcano View Temporal Evolution of Unrest Side by Side Volcanoes |
WOVOdat is a database of volcanic unrest; instrumentally and visually recorded changes in seismicity, ground deformation, gas emission, and other parameters from their normal baselines. It is sponsored by the World Organization of Volcano Observatories (WOVO) and presently hosted at the Earth Observatory of Singapore.
GVMID Data on Volcano Monitoring Infrastructure The Global Volcano Monitoring Infrastructure Database GVMID, is aimed at documenting and improving capabilities of volcano monitoring from the ground and space. GVMID should provide a snapshot and baseline view of the techniques and instrumentation that are in place at various volcanoes, which can be use by volcano observatories as reference to setup new monitoring system or improving networks at a specific volcano. These data will allow identification of what monitoring gaps exist, which can be then targeted by remote sensing infrastructure and future instrument deployments. |
Volcanic Hazard Maps | The IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Hazards and Risk has a Volcanic Hazard Maps database designed to serve as a resource for hazard mappers (or other interested parties) to explore how common issues in hazard map development have been addressed at different volcanoes, in different countries, for different hazards, and for different intended audiences. In addition to the comprehensive, searchable Volcanic Hazard Maps Database, this website contains information about diversity of volcanic hazard maps, illustrated using examples from the database. This site is for educational purposes related to volcanic hazard maps. Hazard maps found on this website should not be used for emergency purposes. For the most recent, official hazard map for a particular volcano, please seek out the proper institutional authorities on the matter. |
IRIS seismic stations/networks | Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Data Services map showing the location of seismic stations from all available networks (permanent or temporary) within a radius of 0.18° (about 20 km at mid-latitudes) from the given location of Fujisan. Users can customize a variety of filters and options in the left panel. Note that if there are no stations are known the map will default to show the entire world with a "No data matched request" error notice. |
UNAVCO GPS/GNSS stations | Geodetic Data Services map from UNAVCO showing the location of GPS/GNSS stations from all available networks (permanent or temporary) within a radius of 20 km from the given location of Fujisan. Users can customize the data search based on station or network names, location, and time window. Requires Adobe Flash Player. |
DECADE Data | The DECADE portal, still in the developmental stage, serves as an example of the proposed interoperability between The Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program, the Mapping Gas Emissions (MaGa) Database, and the EarthChem Geochemical Portal. The Deep Earth Carbon Degassing (DECADE) initiative seeks to use new and established technologies to determine accurate global fluxes of volcanic CO2 to the atmosphere, but installing CO2 monitoring networks on 20 of the world's 150 most actively degassing volcanoes. The group uses related laboratory-based studies (direct gas sampling and analysis, melt inclusions) to provide new data for direct degassing of deep earth carbon to the atmosphere. |
Large Eruptions of Fujisan | Information about large Quaternary eruptions (VEI >= 4) is cataloged in the Large Magnitude Explosive Volcanic Eruptions (LaMEVE) database of the Volcano Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project (VOGRIPA). |
EarthChem | EarthChem develops and maintains databases, software, and services that support the preservation, discovery, access and analysis of geochemical data, and facilitate their integration with the broad array of other available earth science parameters. EarthChem is operated by a joint team of disciplinary scientists, data scientists, data managers and information technology developers who are part of the NSF-funded data facility Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA). IEDA is a collaborative effort of EarthChem and the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS). |